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It had been two nights since Lia had heard any screaming coming from James' apartment. She felt guilty the second she had said it, knowing how much he must be struggling with anything. She assumed he was either sleeping elsewhere or not sleeping at all and both options made her stomach churn. The snap wasn't like her but he irritated her, he was quite an irritating person. She had been with Lucas again last night but decided that having sex at his place was better, she couldn't face another awkward moment with James. Having someone confront you about the noises you made during sex definitely had to be up there with the most awkward moments ever.

However, today she decided to build a bridge. Lia had got James an "I'm sorry" card with a sad looking cat on it, who doesn't like cats? She had also grabbed him a small house plant that she had already named Pickett, after the small bean stalk thing in Fantastic Beasts. Pickett and James would be great friends, she had already decided. Making her way up the stairs she felt her anxiety begin to creep over her, he had every right to tell her to fuck off after what she did. She hoped he wouldn't though.

Lia took in a deep breath before knocking, feeling as if her heart was going to beat out of her chest. When he didn't answer she tried again, hoping he might answer a second time but he didn't.

"Fuck sake, Pickett you're with me."

"You talk to plants?" Lia jumped, almost dropping the plant as she span round to see James.

"Jesus! At least they don't scare the shit out of me."

A smirk spread across James' lips as he walked up to his door, staring at Lia. Her hair was curled, messily due to fiddling with it. Her blue eyes stared up at him, curiosity filling them. Lia had little freckles around her face and a nose piercing, he liked it. It made her nose stand out a little more and she had a cute nose. Lia took the time he was death staring at her to take in more of him, his shoulders were broad and she couldn't help but think about digging her nails into them as he fucked her. His eyes were filled with pain, despite him trying to look dead behind the eyes. He had a small cut next to his eyebrow which she assumed was from something to do with the Avengers, either way it made him look dangerous and turned her on even more.

Fuck sake, where was Lucas?

"Did you want something Jones?" Lia was snapped out of her thoughts.

"What? Oh, yeah. I just wanted to apologise for the other night, I was extremely rude to you. I brought a peace offering." She held out the plant and the card, a soft smile on her face. James studied her for a moment, taking in her expression. He liked that it was genuine sincerity rather than pity so he took the plant and the card from her.

"Thanks. Pickett?"

"You have to name your plants, he's from fantastic beasts." Lia's eyes got brighter as she mentioned it, a clear sign it was something that she loved. James wished he had that, something that he loved. Maybe Pickett could be that.

"Can't say I've heard of it." Lia stepped aside as James pulled out his keys from his pocket, unlocking the door as he held Pickett in one hand. This only drew attention to a) the muscles in his arm and b) how big his hands were. God, bet those fingers were good at finding g-spots.

"You've never seen fantastic beasts?" James shook his head. "Harry Potter?" Another head shake. "Oh, you should give them a watch sometime. I have the DVD's if you want to borrow them?"

James furrowed his brow, confusion written on his face till it hit Lia. Did he know what a DVD was? Oh god, she fucked up again.

"Yeah maybe. I better get this inside." Lia nodded, suddenly feeling extremely awkward.

"Yeah, nice seeing you anyways James. Sorry again, let me know if you want to lend my DVD's."

Lia turned on her heel as Bucky opened his door, giving her a small look into his flat. It was dark and dingey, not a thing out of place and by the looks of things no decor. Pickett was definitely going to be the brightest thing in there. All this talk of Pickett had got Lia itching to watch fantastic beasts, so she got changed into her PJ's and put in the DVD. She put her left over chinese food in the microwave, deciding to eat it in bed so she could be extra comfy. What else were Friday's for?

Halfway through the movie she felt as if she should have invited James over to watch this with her but maybe that was a step too far. She didn't actually like him all that much but they shared a wall so they needed some form of alliance.

Lia fell asleep at some point towards the end of the movie, as when she awoke she could hear him screaming again next door. She groaned, putting the pillow over her head and cursing herself for not putting in ear plugs. The pity she felt for him was evident but god she wishes he had a more quiet affliction. There only seemed to be one scream tonight, not followed by any banging. This only worried her more, had he hurt himself? Should she call someone?

Fighting the urge to go and check on him (she didn't need a dead body in her building) she put her ear against the wall. He was on the phone to someone called Sam, who she assumed was calming him down. Oh well, not dead. Lia settled back into bed, drifting to sleep rather quickly with the comforting thoughts of there being no dead bodies in her apartment block. That was the last thing she needed.

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