Twenty Six

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Her dad stared at her from across the table, barely offering the pair anything at all.

"Michael, this is James." Michael made some kind of grunt as he stared Bucky down, focusing on the metal hand that was linked with Lia's. Bucky removed his hand from hers, offering her a smile and putting his hand out to shake her father's hand.

"James Barnes Sir." Michael eyed Bucky carefully. The whole situation was making Bucky want to hide in a corner and never step foot into the world again. He had met some tough parents when he was dating girls but this was just next level.

Michael stood, reaching his hand over and gripping Bucky's hand tightly to shake it. Bucky's smile never faltered once, in turn tightening his grip to match his. When the pair released Lia's mother walked around the table to sit next to Michael, Bucky pulling the chair out for Lia to sit beside him. She thanked him quietly, earning her a cheeky grin in return.

"Strong grip. Military man?" The subject was still sore and Lia knew it. Yet, Bucky gave away no clues.

"107th sir." Michael nodded, eyeing Bucky's hand as he removed his jacket. It was obvious that he had spotted the metal now. "That's how I lost this."

Lia's stomach was churning so loudly she was almost certain everyone could hear it. She knew they couldn't be able to, but it didn't stop her feeling like they could. Bucky's hand rested on her thigh under the table, squeezing it as lightly as he could. He was telling her it was okay. That he could do this. Yet, she felt like she could throw up any moment.

"Brave man." Michael nodded in approval, Lia's eyes lighting up. "You did good Ophelia." The praise was enough to almost make her cry, the first praise she had from her parents in a long time.

"Aren't military men riddled with PTSD?" And there it was. Lia opened her mouth to protest, fury filling her body.

"That is no way to discuss a man who lost a limb serving his country Louise, leave him be." Her dad was sticking up for her? She was sure her mouth was hanging open in shock at this point. Bucky and Michael shared a nod, a silent signal that they both respected one another.

Lia kept a straight face but inside she was gleaming, her parents finally approved of something. Someone. The man who meant the world to her. She had never felt more at peace with her parents than in this moment.

The server came over to take their orders, Bucky ordering for Lia as he knew instantly she'd need something strong to deal with this situation. Michael and Bucky made small talk about the army, Michael more than Bucky. Lia knew her dad was a bit of a world war history nut but he knew a lot more than he had ever let on to Lia.

"Most men your age don't take a lot of interest in these things, it's nice to meet someone with the same interests." Bucky licked his tongue over his bottom lip? Lia watching him carefully. He looked like he wanted to say he lived it, to let them know who he really was. He looked at Lia, almost asking for her approval to tell her parents. She couldn't stand the way that they made him feel as small as she did, so instead of waiting she took it upon herself.

"Bucky lived it dad, he helped Captain America." Bucky's body visibly tensed, attempting to gage her father's response to the confession that his daughter was dating a serial killer.

"Bucky Barnes?" Bucky swallowed deeply, his grip tightening on Lia's knee.

"Yes sir." Michael stared at Bucky for a moment, Louise staring at Michael. She clearly didn't get who he was but her dad did.

Lia was prepared to argue till her last breath, to fight for Bucky and the man which he had managed to become despite everything.

"You seem better, good for you son."


Lia's mouth fell agape at his words, his acceptance causing nothing but shock to her. Bucky's face instantly changed from worry to happiness. Michael had separated him from the very thing that he identified himself with. This was everything he had ever wanted.

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