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I woke up from the blaring sound of my alarm. I took a shower, dressed, and made a quick cup of shitty coffee.

I also grabbed some decorations for my office!

I walked into the building and smiled at the receptionist. I found out from borrowing a pencil from him that his name was Clay, he had two kids, he likes the color purple, his favorite food was avocado, and he was sorry that he may seem rude he was just stressed since his marriage was on the line because his wife, Alex, had been kissing another man. (If you get this you are incredibly smart)

I walked into the cold, white, clean office. Time to ruin it!

-Time skip brought to you by Slenderman crying itself to sleep at night-

I sat back down in my chair, looking around my now-decorated office. There were a few plants around and a photo of my family on my desk, I even had a drawer specifically for snacks!

After maybe twenty minutes of me looking through emails, Amy walked through my door. She gave me a warm smile and asked me to follow her.

I smiled back and grabbed my clipboard

She stopped in front of room 125, Jeff's room "Does this mean I did a good enough job yesterday" Amy nodded at me "We found that you were a good fit for Jeffrey! Hell, you might be his new therapist someday!" I was silent. "Of course if you don't want to? We usually wouldn't let someone pick who they get to help but Jeffrey is a special case..." I answered her immediately after she spoke "Of course, I want to help Jeff!" Amy smiled at me brighter than the sun.

"Thank you so much! But we haven't made the final decision... For now, you're just here to take notes for Jeffrey's other therapist." I nodded my head.

"Well, I'll let you on your way!" I smiled as Amy stepped out of my way and opened the door.

Jeff was in the same place as last time, chained up in the corner. I took my seat in front of him while he was watching my movements.

"You didn't quit your job?" I tilted my head, and he sighed "I didn't freak you out didn't leave out of fear?" I shook my head no.

"Well since you aren't going to leave, what do you want to talk about?" I smiled "May we talk a bit more about your past?" He groaned, and I giggled a bit.

-Jeff's P.o.V-

Being chained up gets boring after a while yet having (Y/N) here made it a little bit better. It was just nice to have the company of someone who isn't judging me all the time ... The last therapist is the reason why I'm chained up!! He kept freaking out whenever I moved at all! I'm just glad (Y/N) isn't like that.

They were nice and tried their best to make me feel comfortable talking to them... They made me genuinely smile... What the fuck is happening to me?!

-(Y/N) P.o.V-

I cleared my throat to get Jeff's attention, he was zoning out.

He looked up at me with a startled look on his face. "What?" He said in a gruff tone "Oh! Sorry!! I uh.. you zoned out and I just wanted your attention so we could start the session!" He exhaled from his nose.

I waited for him to calm down a bit and then started with the questions!

"Go ahead.." I gave him a soft smile and nodded. "With those bullies.. Did they hurt you physically or mentally?"

He thought for a bit before answering.

"Both, they hurt me physically before fucking me up mentally..." I wrote that down "What about the burns? And no eyelids? Did they do that too?" He took much longer to answer this one, it must have been some bad trauma... (Why did I write that? of course it's bad trauma.. He got burned-)

"They uh... They lit me on fire.. Which wound up with me in the ER... And the aftermath was burnt skin... I did the eyelids myself.. It's difficult to fall asleep" He gave a dry chuckle at his joke.

"Jeff..." I hesitated but I placed my hand on his, he jumped at the sudden contact but soon eased into it.

-Jeff's P.o.V-

Why did this make me feel so happy? They care for me... They're holding my hand... It was so soft... It felt... Nice? I don't want this feeling to end... I want (Y/N) to keep caring about me.. I can't scare them off.

-(Y/N) P.o.V-

It took a while for the questions to resume. "So from our last conversation, you seemed to hate your brother?" Jeff nodded his head "But at the end of it you told me you had always protected your brother from the bullies?" Jeff hesitated but nodded his head again.

"Do you mind telling me things about him? Like what he dressed like and how he acted?" Jeff sighed but nodded his head once again.

"Liu was... He was a good kid... He was Mom and Dad's favorite so I was always a little jealous of him... But I still loved him as much as a little brother could." He gave me a minute to write anything I found important down.

"He normally had a jacket on and once he got his black and white scarf he never took it off ... He loved that thing! One time Randy tried to snatch it right off him, but that was the first time I interfered with the bullies, and from that day forward I was their number one target..." I nodded my head and wrote more down.

"Now this question is going to be a bit personal" Jeff chuckled "Every question you ask is personal!" I laughed a bit at his joke, he was funny!

"I suppose you have a point! But uh you might not like this one..." Jeff waited for me to ask the question.

"About the smile, the eyelids, And the people you... Killed... Why did you do it..?" He was silent...

Wow... Long chapter huh?? I got a bit carried away with this one lol! I'll be sure to get to work on the next one immediately!! Anyways have a good day/night my little simparoonies!!

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