Technically not a chapter!

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OK, so this is not a chapter that would be considered a part of the story

I'm only making this so I feel less shitty about not writing on this story!

So this is how the marble hornets/creepypasta crew would show affection!

Hand holding:

Jeff: Regular hand holding, he would probably hold your hand a bit too tight

EJ: He can't see... Not well at least. He would be nervous at first since he's terrible at telling body language but he would eventually start with a pinky hold and then escalate to hand holding. He would give you a little squeeze to see if you were comfortable with it.

LJ: He would hold both your hands. Doesn't matter how awkward the position you're in. He wants both of them

Bloody Painter: He was so used to being alone that he jumps a little when you hold his hand

Toby: He's way too anxious that he'll hurt you with his Tourettes so he would just do a pinky hold

Masky: He isn't a very touchy-feely person so handholds are rare. But when he does hold your hand it's not a very tight handhold. You can feel the air flowing through your fingers

Hoodie: Kinda the same as Masky just a lot more shaky and sweaty?

Jane: Hand kisses. Every time you hold her hands she kisses both of yours

Nina: She acts like she doesn't care each time you show her some of the basics of a healthy relationship but she'll go and talk to Sally about how much she loves you. She'll lay her head on your hand every time you hold her hand... That makes sense right?


Jeff: Rough, slimy, unpleasant.

EJ: Very gentle. like... You can barely feel it

LJ: Rough and kinda passionate

Bloody Painter: Bolder than you would expect... Probably practiced on a pillow-

Toby: Shakey and not really long

Masky: Rough and passionate surprisingly amazing

Hoodie: Light and passionate 

Jane: HOLY SHIT- that's all I'll put

Nina: similar to Jeff but a bit more pleasant!


Jeff: He usually hugs you when he's having some sort of panic attack, so it's very shaky and tight

EJ: Long and warm.. Surprisingly comforting

LJ: He spins you around every time you hug him... You get dizzy a lot

Bloody Painter: Awkward... He tries but... He just sucks at hugging people

Toby: Sometimes his tics interrupt, but other than that very cuddly and warm

Masky: Tight and warm... Very soothing

Hoodie: Also awkward but very warm and inviting 

Jane: Very warm and nice... You never want to leave her warm cuddly hugs

Nina: Short and sweet. It's actually really nice!

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