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I have my 1st-semester final exams coming up on Thursday and Friday, so I'm just trying to get this chapter out of the way 

I walked into Jeff's room and saw him shaking on his twin-sized bed, I heard his whimpers and cries. I walked over, trying not to scare him. 

"Jeff?" I softened my tone and carefully sat next to him. "Hey, what happened? Do you want me to get you an uh... Water.. Or maybe a warmer blanket?" I gently put my hand on his shoulder, not sure if he was open to physical touch or not. 

Right when my hand touched his shoulder, he pulled me into a hug and squeezed me tightly. He was crying on my shoulder and dug his nails slightly into my back. 

I hugged him back, much lighter than he was. I held him in my arms and pet his head lightly, I whispered consolations to him. I rocked us back and forth petting his head and telling him he could tell me when he was ready. 

Once he had calmed down I gave him my coat so he could warm up and waited patiently for him to tell me anything he felt comfortable with. 

"What happened, Jeff?" He took a deep breath and began to answer my question. "Nothing. It's nothing... I suppose you could say that the voices have just been bothering me..." I gave him a sympathetic look And held his hand, running my thumb over his knuckles. He squeezed my hand and I squeezed back. We sat in comfortable silence for a while. 

"(Y/N)? Can I ask you something?" He looked up at me before he laid his head on my shoulder. "Of course Jeff.." I started to pet his head again. "Why do you... like, Amy..?" I took a second to think of a good answer. "Well, I suppose she hit me with her charm... And she's just been so incredibly nice..." I realized I had zoned off. "What about you Jeff? Have you ever been in love?" He mumbled something, but I wasn't able to hear him. "Pardon?" He got off my shoulder and sighed. "No, love is pathetic... It makes us weak for others and distracts us from success." He turned away from me and looked at the ground. 

-Jeff's P.o.v-

I'm being pathetic. I will not fall for some therapist. they have to be manipulating me. To find out my secrets, who I'm working for, anything! Nobody would be this nice to me, not without an alternative motive... 

So why is it so goddamn hard to hate them? To be mean to them? What have they ever done for me!? 

Well, they made the voices quieter... They've been keeping me company... They make me comfortable with just... Being me.

I should kill them. But I can't... Why can't I? I did it with my family! I killed my parents and my brother, so why can't I kill the one person that has basically locked me up in this mental fucking prison!? Why... Can't I hate them... 

Why do they want Amy and not... Me? 

-(Y/N) P.o.v- 

While he zoned out into his own thoughts, I wrote some things down on my clipboard. I knew it was slightly insensitive to write down some things right as he was recovering from a panic attack, but if I didn't I'd probably get fired...

Once he had come out of his zoned-off state he looked up at me, thinking for a moment.

"I lied" I looked at him "Hmm?" He took a deep breath. "I lied about never being in love. I am in love... With uh.." I put a hand on his shoulder "It's okay, you can tell me!" I smiled at him playfully. 

"Don't get with Amy." I froze for a second "What?" My eyebrows furrowed and I began to get slightly nervous. "Do not get with Amy!" Jeff repeated more sternly. "Uhm.. Why?" He gripped my hand tenderly. "Because... I... You have... Ugh, this is so fucking stupid..." I waited patiently for him to continue. "Just... Don't trust Amy. She isn't what she seems." I nodded my head, understanding his warnings. 

"Alright, Jeff. I'll take your warning to heart?" He nodded his head and laid down, shifting uncomfortably. "These beds aren't comfy..." I chuckled "I'm sorry.." He looked at me and then at my lap again. I sighed "Alright, move it." He moved and let me reposition myself so I could lie comfortably. Once I got in my position, I patted my lap. He laid his head on my thighs and the rest sprawled on the bed. 

"You comfy?" I laughed a bit and he laughed too. "Very, thank you..."

"Do you mind if I ask you some more questions?" He nodded his head. "How did they catch you..?" He thought for a moment, "It was a rookie mistake on my part, really... I messed up and stayed in the victim's house too long after... The neighbor heard screams and the police showed up. My partner left and I got arrested... In court, my lawyer somehow convinced the judge by saying that I was only acting out after the incident. So I was put in here until they either found a way to get rid of me or until I became better mentally." I nodded my head, writing everything down.

"Wait... Partner?" He nodded his head. "Who was it? Is there... Like a serial killer group?" He thought about what I said for a bit. "Okay, I'll be completely honest... I am a part of a group that kills people for power. One that is run by a strange and powerful being. Our group has been at war against another being, eviler than your shrink brain could ever conjure up. When we kill certain people, it gives our master, or as some say the operator, some form of power. I don't exactly know that much, mainly since I'm at a lower rank. The ones who know the most are the proxies. They're the ones who are unlucky enough to work directly under the operator itself."

I stopped writing. "The operator..?"

Boom!! End of chapter 8 baby!! Left you guys on a cliffhanger, how's it feel? What are your thoughts? Why do I cry myself to sleep? What the hell is going on with the world! But seriously, tell me what you think! Your comments make my fucking day! Anyway, that's all from me! Have a good day/night my little simparoonies!!

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