Not a chapter, but you should still read bc I'm funny :p

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It's me. Your fucking god. 

anyway, I wanna give a shit explanation as to why I don't update frequently :3

So, big news out of the way, I have a SO (Significant other, for you newbies)

and now, for some reason, I feel really weird about making fanfic and stuff. 

Doesn't mean I'm gonna stop, just means I'm hesitant.

And also, I'm never really motivated to write anyway. Just feels like I never have good ideas.

But when I do, I take the ball and run with it :33

Which is a good way of saying, I don't really have a plan with this story??

Ofc I want to finish it, I just don't know how lmao

Okay that's kind of it :3

I'll try to think of some shit for chapter 17

But for now you guys are free to be freaky in other corners of the internet :33

Bleeding Love (Creepypasta x reader)Where stories live. Discover now