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So umm... Hi. Sorry? Yeah. Sorry lmao. I missed the day of love tehee. Alright, let's just fuckinnn get this over with. (Oh. also I got a new computer so if there are any grammar mistakes, that's why. )

While I walked into my room, I began to feel a slight headache... Not as bad as the one I got when I saw that... Thing. 

I sighed as I lazily made my way to my medicine cabinet in my bathroom. It was one of those cabinets that had a mirror on the front, so I could always make direct eye contact while I swallowed (Don't.) the pills. I got a small cup of water and put the pills in my mouth, I quickly took a swig of water and swallowed the pills.

When I looked up at the mirror, I saw what looked like a silhouette in the window behind me. I almost choked on my spit and went into a coughing fit. I looked outside the window and saw nothing. 

Letting out a long sigh, I made my way into my living room. I flopped down on my couch flipping through the different channels on the TV. I settled on the show MOM (One of my favorite shows btw)  

~Timeskip to like... 2 hours~

The entire time I was lounging around, I felt as though I was being watched. I kept looking around at my surroundings. The window? No. The closet? Nothing in there either... 

I decided I should sleep so I turned off the TV and changed into more comfortable clothing. 

I flopped into my bed, I giggled a little bit. I probably look like a starfish~! 

I pulled my pillow over to where my head was and I flopped around in my bed so the blanket covered the majority of my body. and quickly fell asleep. 

-??? P.o.V-

I watched as they flopped around in their bed, it made me laugh a little. It's been too long since I've laughed. 

"Sweet little (Y/N)... I've become way too infatuated with you... "

I watched them while they drifted off to sleep... Perfect.

I walked inside the building, no one was at the reception desk. I went all the way up to the 3rd floor and slowly made my way down the hall. 301... 302... 303... 304...


I managed to pick the lock, slowly opening the door, cringing at how loud it creaked. 

I went inside the room and closed the door. 

"Darling, I'm home~" I chuckled, eventually I'll be able to say that without any hint of sarcasm. 

I looked around, walking over to their couch I saw their sweater. I picked it up slowly as if it would disintegrate if I wasn't careful... 

I felt the soft material and smelt it, it smelt like them... So much like them... 

I looked around and stuffed it into my backpack, I just wanted to have it for a while...  

I continued to look around before I made my way to their room. I opened their door, which was much quieter than their front door. I looked over their sleeping figure, I loomed over them. 

So perfect... So so perfect... 

Maybe I could... I cautiously lifted up the blanket, I had to tug a little which caused them to move around in their sleep. A surge of anxiety washed over me but faded almost as quickly as it came once I heard them snoring again. I chuckled, they are such a heavy sleeper...

I gently maneuvered my way into the bed with them. It was so warm... Warm... Warm~

I wrapped my arms around their sleeping body. They turned, and I froze. They snuggled into their pillow, how adorable~...

I laid there for awhile, they moved again... They snuggled into my body... "Mhhh warmm~" They mumbled in their sleep. They hugged me so close... Their legs intertwined with mine. It was as if I were a pillow... 

I lightly sniffed their hair, I loved their scent... So delicious... 

"I love you, darling~" I hugged them closer. 

"I love you too.." 

Yup. That's where we're going to stop! Who do you think the mysterious person is?? You might find out! Or not. I don't know <3 

Any way. That's all for tonight! Have a good day/night my little simparoonies!!

Bleeding Love (Creepypasta x reader)Where stories live. Discover now