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I woke the following day with a leg cramp. 

I searched for my work clothes and decided to skip breakfast. I wouldn't have enough time for it anyway.

I made my through the long corridors of the apartment complex and grabbed a taxi to work. I could already tell today was going to be a very, very long day.

I paid the driver and walked into the building. I gave Clay a very groggy good morning and made my way to my office. I checked my emails to make sure I didn't miss any emails. 

There was a single email left for me. I clicked on the button and started to read. 

'Hello, (Y/N). Jeffrey's previous caretaker has returned from the hospital. Lucky for you though, Jeffrey told us that he prefers you over his other caretaker.  If you do not want the responsibility of taking care of Jeffrey message us ASAP so we can change your schedule. Sincerely, Your boss :)'

I let out a quiet sigh, these people really don't care about what the patients want. It was upsetting to see people treating others with such distaste. 

I replied saying that I would love to be Jeff's therapist and left it at that. I looked at my schedule and saw that my other patients had another person taking care of them for today. Meaning that I get to spend more time with my favorite patient, Jeff!

 I smiled to myself seeing that I had half an hour or so until I had to go to Jeff. I can spend that time with Amy! She's so nice...

I went out searching for the familiar vanilla perfume she wore, it was truly an alluring smell. Soon enough, we bumped into each other. 

"Oh, (Y/N) my apologies!" I gave a chuckle "Don't worry about it, Amy! I was actually looking for you!" Amy seemed a bit relieved. "Me too, I saw that you had 30 minutes before you had to go and see Jeffrey and was wondering if you wanted to grab some breakfast with me!" I heard my stomach growl at the mention of food and laughed, embarrassed. "It's like you read my mind.." Amy smiled at me and started to walk to the cafè, I followed. 

Once we ordered our breakfast and sat at the table we were at yesterday. 

"So how was your drive home yesterday" Amy inquired. "Oh, I don't own a car..." she was thinking for a second. "So you just walk to and from work?" I shook my head. "I take a taxi to work and then I walk home." I continue to eat my biscuit and eggs (or sandwich if you don't eat animal produce!). "In the dark? Thats so dangerous (Y/N)! If you ever need me to drive you home or to work, please just call me!" I thought for a second before giving her my phone. She looked at me, confused. 

"I don't have your number..." I gave her a smile while she hid her blush, like I wouldn't notice. She put her number in my phone and gave me a smile. By the time she was finished it was time for me to see Jeff. I gave her a wave goodbye and made my way down to his room. 

And that should be the end of chapter 5! Ill start working on 6 immediately! ALSO, if you wanna make some fanart for the story please feel free to do so! You can send it on my Instagram drawing.gremlin!! If you want to actually see the artwork in the story please send it to me (Still on my Instagram) and I'll put it in! Anyway that's all form me! Have a good day/night my little simparoonies

Bleeding Love (Creepypasta x reader)Where stories live. Discover now