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Jeff got out...

-Y/N P.o.V-

"What's going on?!" Red lights flashing like crazy, people screaming, the loud alarm going off. It all made me so disoriented. 

The guy next to me looked as if he saw a ghost. "What is going on," I asked, stern and loud enough for him to hear me. "A dangerous patient got out..." His voice was shaky, his eyes were glossed over as if he was about to cry. "W-What? How can you tell?!" The way he looked and spoke, it made me anxious...

"What do you mean how can I tell?! The lights and alarm you idiot... We're going to die!" At this point, he was bawling... I felt a cold shiver go down my spine.

A loud bang was heard outside the room. We both jumped and huddled together, there was no way this was actually happening...

Then a loud cackle was heard outside the door, "Come out (Y/N)! I know you're in there! You must feel so scared... But don't worry, you'll be safe in my arms soon enough!" Lucky for us, the door was card activated, like most doors in the facility. So Jeff couldn't break down the door. 

"We have minimal time to get out of here, go for the window!" This random guy put my safety before his, he told me to go through the window first. Not wasting a second, I unlocked and opened the window climbing through it.

I was halfway through the window when the door opened, and right in the doorway was Jeff holding a knife and a staff member's card. He held a terrifying smile with wide unblinking eyes... But that's probably how he always looked. I quickly scurried out, reaching my hand out to him. He looked me in my eyes and shut the window, locking it quickly. He sacrificed himself just so I could get a couple more seconds to run away... 

As bad as I felt for leaving, I had to. I would die if I didn't and his noble sacrifice would go to waste...

I picked myself up and ran into the forest that was behind the asylum, this would just be a slightly longer way to my house, no problem right? 

Tree branches scratched my body as I ran, I could hear Jeff's distant yelling, motivating me to run faster. But I got lost on my way, I could no longer see street lights in between the trees. It was just more forest! But I also couldn't hear Jeff yelling.

I got my body to slow down, not realizing how far I had run. My legs were crying for a break. 

I leaned onto a tree, huffing and wheezing, my throat was itching for water. I really should have joined the track team when my parents told me to, maybe then I wouldn't be wheezing like a dying animal. 

I observed my surroundings and there seemed to be nothing but grass and trees... How far did I actually run? And it had completely slipped my mind that there could be some monster lurking in these forests, waiting for its next prey...

Every little sound I heard made me jump, the wind causing leaves to rustle? I jumped. A squirrel rummaging in a bush? Jumped at that too. The two men with masks, that one really got me..! 


I turned around so fast I almost got whiplash, but there was nothing... I could have sworn that someone was there... Was it really my imagination..?

I looked around again but there was still nothing... I was going crazy... "C'mon (Y/N)... Get yourself together..." I continued to mumble to myself, if I weren't careful people would probably mistake me for an escaped asylum patient.

At this point, I was officially lost... I had no idea where the hell I was! This forest is way too thick. And not in the sexy way!!

At some point, I came across a thin river. The sound of rushing water made me feel better, the air felt far more cleaner than it did before... I sat down and tried to think.

'What was that saying? When you're lost in a forest, you had to stay calm and try to retrace your steps... But if I retrace my steps, there is a high chance I'll run into Jeff...' I slapped my hands on my face and violently rubbed. "How the hell am I supposed to get out of this place?!" I waved my arms like a kid, or someone who stims.

I laid my head on a tree that was behind me, taking deep breaths. 'Maybe if I sleep here, I would have more luck finding the way out in the daylight?.. But there's some monster roaming around...' I sat there for a while, just thinking...

Until I heard a crack... But this... Didn't sound like a twig snapping. 

It sounded kind of... Wet? Like your neck being cracked. 

I jumped out of my sitting position, looking around. And there I saw something, Hiding in between two trees... Looking straight at me...

My breath hitched as I saw it move from its spot, making itself fully visible. It was a boy... Well, maybe not a boy... But it was a male with a mouthguard, covering up what looked to be a nasty hole in his face. 

Neither of us moved, we just stared at each other. 

From what I could see, he had fluffy hair that may or may not have dirt and some... Liquid in it. The liquid was on his clothes... And his... Hatchet... Once he saw me look at his weapon, he laughed while still giving me a tired stare.

"You like 'em? I just got them sharpened..." He sounded playful... Almost teasing. How the hell was I supposed to reply to that? "What? Kitty cat got your tongue?" He laughed some more, but again I didn't answer. He seemed to get angry. "Hey... Say something! You mute or something!? Respond!" Then started to be giddy "I want to ask you questions, you look fun!" And then upset "Why won't you answer me..?" 

This was really freaking me out... But I had to answer, maybe he'll help me out..? 

"U-uh... Sorry... You scared me a bit when you came out of nowhere." I tried to keep myself calm... Who knows what could happen if I accidentally set him off... But he seemed happy with what I said. 

"I do have a tendency to do that! What's your name? Mine is Toby!" He ran up to me, sticking his hand out and grabbing mine, shaking it violently. His hands were frigid! "Oh! Uhm... Wow, okay... My name is going to remain private for the time being... It is uhh... Nice to meet you?" Now that he was closer, I could clearly see what was all over him. It was a disgusting mix of grime and blood. He seemed to take notice of my hesitance to tell him anything and how I was staring at him "Oh man... I scared you huh? I'm so sorry!! I didn't mean to! But you forgive me, right? Right?!" His grip got tighter, it felt like he was going to break my fucking hand!

"Y-yes, yes!! I f-forgive you! Please let go!" Small tears brimmed my eyes, he had a death grip on my poor hand! But he let go almost immediately. "Oh good! You had me scared for a second!" I held my hand, looking at the guy in front of me like he was death and I was the soul she had to collect.

"Hey, you look like you're lost, would you like me to get you out of here?" Now he sounded normal, no hyper, angry, sad, or playful tone. Just a human asking another human if they needed assistance, which I did. Really bad.

"Yes, please! I can't find my way out of this place!" I responded, completely forgetting about the blood on him. He smiled and grabbed my wrist, leading me through the forest. 

It could have been my imagination, but the air started to feel thicker... And the woods didn't seem to end... "Hey uhh, Toby? Are you sure we're going the right way?" He didn't answer, his grip on me got tighter. I started to panic. 

I tried to get my wrist out of his grip, but he just kept tightening it. Soon I stopped walking, trying to keep my feet in one spot as I kept trying to get away. But he seemed to be having none of it... 

Soon enough, the knob end of the hatchet made contact with the side of my head. I fell down to the cold hard ground, but before the little black dots consumed my vision I heard him whisper into my ear. "How stupid of you... Didn't your mother tell you not to trust strangers..?" And with that, I blacked out...

Okayyyy! Done baby! Are you guys proud of me? Sorry, I took so long. My life went a bit crazy, got suspended, dude made me uncomfy, and I had to take 3 EOC's lmao. But I had plenty of time to complete this chapter, so none of those should be excuses. I was just unmotivated and lazy

But I'll try to get the next chapter done faster!! If I don't you guys can... Idk, kill me? Anyways, That should be it... So have a good day/night my little Simparoonies!!!

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