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-(Y/N) P.o.V-

Am I in hell?

"SO then I told her th- that I wasn't her door dash, I was her d- demise!"

I must be.

"And then Kate, she sta- stabbed her. Like, right next to her spine!"

If I'm not then...

"So she just laid there, b- blood pooling out *Crack* out of her back, eye's wide from the cold shocking truth! I wasn't her digorno, I was her death!"

Why won't he shut the fuck up?!

Toby kept droning on about his funny encounters when killing. I still have no idea where we're going either.. 

I found out fast enough when you laugh at something he says or praise him. At all. He'll keep trying to get praise and laughs. 

It's great that he isn't afraid of expressing himself... But he's also a fucking psychopath who kills people. So, the majority of his expressing himself, is him traumatizing me.

"Toby." He stopped talking, turning his full attention to me. "Do you have any stories or jokes... That doesn't involve your true stories of murder..?"

He thought for a moment. Finally, sweet silence... 

"I don't rea- really remember much other than my job..." I looked at him, quirking an eyebrow. "What do you mean?" Okay, now I'm genuinely curious. 

"Well... I reme... ember a little. But I- I'd rather not talk about it." He stayed silent, switching to an entirely different person it seemed. Maybe D.I.D? "Well... We don't have to talk about that... But by any chance, are you open to me asking questions about you? Not your past, you clearly don't want to talk about that."

He shrugged, not really saying anything so I just started to ask. 

"What is your favorite meal?" "Brown sugar oat..m.. meal." Huh... Didn't take him for an oatmeal type. "Any specific reason?" "Uh... I g- guess it's because it makes me feel happy. Like... It feels like I'm a little kid aga- again, and it has that warm feeling... Y'know?"

I nodded fully understanding what he meant. "That's actually really wholesome." He chuckled, rolling his tired eyes "Shut u- up." 

I laughed a little, thinking of the next question to ask. "So uh... Favorite animal?" He answered almost immediately. "Raccoon, e- easy." I looked up at him, "Raccoon?" He nodded happily. "We lo- look alike! *Crack*" He was so enthusiastic about it, I couldn't help but laugh. 

"What's so funny?" He looked so confused, which just made me laugh harder. "S- sorry! It's just, you sounded so happy when saying that..!" 

-Toby's P.o.V-

They were laughing... But not at me. That is definitely new. 

Looking down at them, I could feel my gaze soften. How come they were being so nice? They aren't even panicking about the situation they're in... Is it because of me? Am I keeping them calm?? No, probably not. 

I was brought out of my thoughts when they cleared their throat. I looked down at them and smiled, though, they couldn't see it. 

"Okay, I'm done now. Anyway, back to the questioning!" I nodded softly, looking back up at the forest. I could feel us getting closer now, we'll be there soon.

"Alright... You don't have to answer this one if you're not comfortable, but do you have D.I.D.?" They think I have that shit? Man, what a joke. "No, but I know so- someone who has it. I have severe bipolar dis- disorder and Tour- rette's. Among other things, but that's not w- what you *Crack* asked." (I kind of hc that Toby relentlessly bullies Liu and Sully but only stops when they're about to beat his ass-)

 I waited for them to call me a name like 'freak' or 'a fucking loser'. But that didn't happen, I looked down at them and I was met with soft eyes and a smile. I felt my face heat up under my mask, they weren't... They weren't making fun of me..?

"How long have you been diagnosed? With bipolar disorder I mean..." I thought for a moment, it had been a while. "Shit... I guess I was dia- diagnosed when I was 7 or 8... I mean w- we always kind of knew, it was pretty obvi- obvious." I felt them nod their head in my arms as if they understood what I meant.

"Well still, it must have taken a toll on your family... I'm sure it was difficult for all of you to understand and work through... How was your family life like anyway?" Of course, they had to ask that question. At this point, I can barely fucking remember what my life before was like..! How am I even supposed to answer that?! 

-(Y/N) P.o.V-

He stayed quiet for an uncomfortable amount of time... I probably shouldn't have asked my kidnapper about his home life... 

"You don't have to answe-" "I don't re- remember... Not a lot. Only the m- most traumatic parts..." His tone sounded like he was shaken up, which I don't really blame him for... "Do you... Want to talk about it..?" I was unsure of what to do so I did the only thing I knew how to do, which was listen. 

"It wouldn't b- be wise of me to *Crack* say any- anything." I can't help to admit that I feel a bit sympathetic. He obviously has problems that he needs to talk about, but he doesn't have anyone to talk about it too. Well, other than his... Coworkers. But they don't really seem to be the type to confide in when you're having emotional problems... Especially that Masky guy Toby hates so much, he sounds like a real piece of work.

 Before I could go deeper into my thoughts on how I could either escape or help my kidnapper with his emotions, he spoke up again. "P- plus we're basically here." Confused, I looked where Toby was looking and my jaw dropped. 

In front of us was a ginormous black castle, everything about it made me want to run, scream, and cry. The wood looked like it was rotting off of the foundation and the fact that it was dark and cloudy out did not make it better.

But the worst part about this place was that sound.

That horrible, awful sound was back! The static was ringing in my head and it hurt. I covered my ears but I could still hear it, it was like my head was getting torn in half! I couldn't stop it!!

I could feel tears run down my face, my nails were digging into the flesh covering my skull. PLEASE I NEED IT TO STOP!!!

-Toby's P.o.V-

"And they're o- out... What are yo- you gonna do with th- this one..?" 

"⏁⊑⟒⍀⟒ ⟟⌇ ⋏⍜ ⋏⟒⟒⎅ ⎎⍜⍀ ⊬⍜⎍ ⏁⍜ ☍⋏⍜⍙"


I felt so unmotivated to write and I really wanted to push through this chapter for you guys! So so sorry it took this long :[[

Also, I may or may not have projected a little onto Toby <///3 Really only on the oatmeal and raccoon part! But I also think he would enjoy those things as well!! And I don't believe in the Slender mansion stuff where all of the little murder men and women live together, but it is very convenient!

Anyway, have a wonderful day/night my little Simparoonies!!!!

(See you in a year-)

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