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We're back baby!

He stayed quiet. There was no noise—just his shakey and loud breaths.

The time ran out before you could say any form of apology. You felt... Bad? You asked him something too personal... Yes, it was your job. But you wanted to make your patients feel safe with you. That involves giving them time to trust you.

(Y/N P.o.V)

I walked out of the dim room and into the blinding hallway. I saw Amy waiting for me to come out.

"Y/N! Good to see Jeffrey didn't harm you!" I give out a nervous laugh. "Uhm... Yea! I'm glad he didn't try to hurt me either." 

Amy gave me a warm smile, I could feel my face heat up slightly.

"You're on your break right?" Amy looked at me waiting for my answer. "Uhm... Yea! I am!" I returned her smile. She looked happy to be talking to me. I was delighted that she was talking to me.

"C'mon! I wanna eat lunch with you!" I could feel more heat rise to my face. "Oh! Yea absolutely!" She seemed pleased with my answer. 

We walked to the staff lunchroom and she led me to a table.

There were only two chairs so no one could interrupt our conversation.

"so, how was Jeffery?" Amy had a mini salad in her hands, she was pouring ranch on it. "He's doing well! I learned a bit about his brother!... I think... I think I asked him something that made him uncomfortable? He went silent after I asked it and now I... Well, I just feel bad. I feel off my rhythm." Amy nodded her head, she mixed up her salad and ranch before answering. 

"That's our job Y/N... We're supposed to help patients with their past problems. That involves getting kinda personal. Don't feel bad for doing your job. I mean... You worked so hard to become what you are! It's time to bask in the glory of finally doing what you want in life!" She took a bite of her salad when she finished. I let out a sigh, knowing she was right. 

"I suppose you're right... I just... I can't help it." She let out a sigh. I was worried she was getting tired of me continuously ranting. I shifted in my chair uncomfortably. I was about to speak but she beat me to it.

"Do you wanna hear about my first week here?" I hesitated but gave a slow nod. She sat up and put her fork down. "I had a patient, her name was Maria... She was put into the ward because she attempted to... Well... Yeah... Anyway, she was my first patient and I was... Scared... She was taller than me and looked like she could easily overpower me if she wanted to." I waited patiently for her to continue

"I always thought that patients in a ward were dangerous... And that they shouldn't be trusted with anything. But when I actually spent time with Maria and learned more things about her... The more I fell in love. Maria was one of the most gentle people I've ever met! She was so nice and made sure I felt safe around her. She told me about her past and how she felt about it. One time I tried to ask her about her home life... She broke down... She cried and cried. I didn't know what to do. I wanted to comfort her but... She didn't want any help."  She took a deep breath and lifted her sleeve, there I saw the scars of a bite mark. I gasped at the sight.

"I know how it feels to be in a situation where you want to comfort the patient and just make them feel safe... But you just... You can't make everyone happy." I looked at her and nodded sadly

She held my hand and we just sat in silence for the rest of our break. 


After I got finished with my last patient I put my things back in my office and worked until it was time to go home. I sighed, looked at the clock, and got my coat. I told Clay goodnight and walked out of the large building. 

On my walk back to my apartment, I couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. I looked at my surroundings and saw no one. "Must be my imagination..." Just to make sure, I took the long and in all honesty, safer route home. 

The feeling of being watched left and I walked up to my room in peace. I unlocked my door and did my nightly routine. I laid down in bed without a thought in my head. It was great.

Soon enough, I drifted off to sleep.

And that would be the end of the chapter! Have a good day/night my little simparoonies!!

Bleeding Love (Creepypasta x reader)Where stories live. Discover now