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First, I want to say that I am so sorry for not posting! I've been really preoccupied with not failing human geography lmao. I have a 65 though! Which is still a passing grade! SO, with my pathetic excuse out of the way let's get on with the story!!

I woke up with possibly one of the worst headaches I've ever experienced. It felt like every party I ever got drunk at stabbed my head repeatedly.

I groggily got out of my bed and made my way to my bathroom. I looked into the mirror cabinet thing and opened it up. I took out my painkillers and poured out two. 

After taking my pills and getting ready for work I looked at the clock, realizing I was going to be on time for once. 

I locked my apartment door and walked to the exit of the apartment complex and saw a familiar car sitting outside. I knocked on the driver's window and watched it go down. It was Amy! She gave me a nervous smile before ushering me into her car. Once I sat down, she started driving out of the parking space.

"Why did you pick me up?" I put my seatbelt on waiting for her answer. "Well, let's just say that I wanted to spend more time with you! Especially since what happened Yesterday..." She gave me a nervous smile before looking back at the road. 

I began to recall what happened last night. "I saw a strange creature in the woods which triggered some type of static sound in my head... Which turned into a really bad migraine" I rubbed my head slightly, still feeling the pain from earlier. 

Amy looked at me a couple of times before looking back at the road. "Some...  Strange creature? What did it look like?" I thought a minute before answering her question.  "It... Didn't have a face. No nose, ears, eyes, or mouth. Nothing... A complete blank slate, white as paper... It had... Something that looked similar to tentacles protruding out of its back..." When Amy got to a red light, she looked at me like I had told her the strangest story. 

"I'm not making it up. I know what I saw, Amy." She put her hands up defensively. "I never said I didn't believe you! It's just... A strange description? I mean, a creature with a completely blank face..? And tentacles.. It's just hard to believe, hun" She put her hands back on the wheel when she saw the light turn green.

"Hun? When did we start with the nicknames?" She chuckled and gave a content sigh. "Do you mind it?" She looked a bit nervous. "Of course, I don't mind... Mi alma~" I stuck my tongue out at her playfully, watching her face flush a bright red. 

The rest of the drive to work was just us talking and enjoying each other's company. 

Once we arrived at the psychiatric hospital we both got out of the car and walked in and went our separate ways. 

Since I had a bit of extra time before I had to visit Jeff, I decided to get a cup of coffee and read up on some local news! I walked into the staff lounge and made myself some coffee and started my reading. 

"Car crashes are up 10%... Some famous guy saved another guy... Yada yada, the same old stuff..." You were about to turn your phone off before you spot something. "Oh... A murderer has been going around the city... Their victims have been impaled in their chests... Leaving strange holes?" I shudder at the images that popped up in my head, drinking my coffee while I kept reading the article. 

Once I was done it was about time that I visited Jeff. I was really excited to see him again, considering the last time I saw him he told me some juicy new stuff!

And bada boom!  Another chapter is done! I don't have much to say here other than that this took me longer than it should have. Anyway, have a good day/night my little simparoonies!

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