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I stopped writing. "The operator..?"

He stopped talking and nodded his head. "Yeah, the operator, boss, master. It goes by many things. One of them that you might know is Slender man."

I took a second, he surely couldn't believe such a story? Could he possibly be joking? No, Jeff isn't one to joke about something stupid. Maybe he is?.. Could he be telling the truth? No. That's impossible... Right?

I suppose that Jeff is an individual who doesn't have eyelids and still seems to be able to see just as well as any other? So I guess it wouldn't be entirely possible for such an entity not to exist?

Am I thinking too much about this? No, I'm his therapist so I get the right to be curious!

I decided to play along and asked more questions. "What does the operator look like? Do people call the operator an 'it' because nobody knows what its gender is? Is it a species? If so, how many are there? Have you seen similar entities? How does it communicate? -" I got cut off by Jeff's surprisingly adorable laugh. 

"You're quite interested in the operator, aren't you?" I chuckled, I admit I got slightly carried away with the questions and it was quite a handful for one man to answer. 

I nodded my head, hoping he would answer at least one or two of my questions. Which he did! 

"We call the operator an it because we don't know exactly what its gender is. Some will just call the operator a he and it doesn't seem to care... I don't exactly know if it's a species, but it does have brothers? He has about 3 that I've seen so far... But it might have more?" I nodded, taking some mental notes and writing bits and pieces of Jeff's answers on a clipboard. Until he continued. 

"Oh, and its appearance... Well, he has a pure white body, no face, and usually has a suit with like... Tentacle thingy's coming out of his back? And his height usually depends on the situation! His height is usually 6-15 feet tall, though, he's only been seen at 6 feet when he's luring children."

I froze, my mind went immediately to the thing I saw in the forest. Could that have been what Jeff was talking about?

"Just uhm... Just curious... But when you see this Slender man, does a static sound engulf your entire sense of hearing? To the point of which... You feel like tearing your ears off?" He completely froze. His eyes bore into mine like he was searching for a sign of a joke. I shifted uncomfortably. 

"Its seen you. Hasn't it." I rubbed the back of my neck as I felt a shiver down my spine.

"I don't know if I can say its seen me per se... Considering the fact that it has no facial features... But I definitely saw it." 

-Narrator's P.o.V-

For some reason, this new information sparked both a giddy and a horrified feeling within him... 

If the operator had Its sights on (Y/N) for some nefarious reason... That would be less than ideal, considering the fact that he felt something special for them. 

But if it were to make (Y/N) a new member, then that meant that he could see them daily and they would never have to leave him!

-(Y/N)'s P.o.V-

He let out a dark chuckle, one that sent a shiver through my body and gave me a cold sweat.

"You gotta be careful, (Y/n)~ The operator doesn't play around when he's found a new toy~" His tone was what really set me off. It was like I was talking to a completely new person, a worse person. 

My day had ended with caution and fear... Amy had offered to drive me home and this time I didn't try to reject it.

While Amy was driving me home, she looked distracted. 

"Amy, are you alright?" I looked at her, taking my eyes off the forest. She sighed and gripped the steering wheel tighter. "(Y/N)... I have an offer, that you shouldn't feel pressured to accept! But uhm... Would you like to... How would you feel if..." She struggled with finding the proper words to say, before sighing and ultimately decided this would be the only time she would have this much confidence.

"(Y/N), would you like to accompany me on a date?" (Y/N) looked at Amy with an astounded expression. Amy was terrified (Y/N) wouldn't accept, so she started to say how they didn't have to accept and that she would understand if they didn't feel the same. But while Amy was panicking, they arrived at (Y/N)'s apartment.

(Y/N) got out of the car without answering, Amy sighed in defeat...

She looked out her window and (Y/N) was standing there! Amy rolled the window down, looking at (Y/N) with a confused expression. 

"(Y/N)? What are you-" But before Amy could spit another word out, (Y/N) had planted a kiss on her cheek. 

"Text me the location and when I should be there!~" With that, (Y/N) walked into their apartment building.

And that's the end of this chapter folks!! I hope you enjoyed it! Sorry, I haven't posted for a while, I was a bit busy. But now I'm not!! I don't have much to say so... Have a good day/night my little simparoonies!!

SOME SUPER COOL FAN ART BTW!!!!!!!!! It was made by the little raccoon commenter!!!

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SOME SUPER COOL FAN ART BTW!!!!!!!!! It was made by the little raccoon commenter!!!

They wanted me to say that this was rushed, I still think it looks really fucking cool though!

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