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The door opened with a loud creak, causing Jeff to look up at me. 

"Heyyy. Welcome back (Y/NNN)" He sounded... Loopy? More calm and laid back than normal. 

"Hey, Jeff... What's got you all laid back?" I gave a slight smile, a little worried. "Drugss" It took me a second to actually process what he just said.

"Drugs? Did they inject you with something?" He giggled at me. "Yeah... You sound funny! I like it!" He kept giggling. "Why? What happened?" He let out a long and overdramatic sigh before answering. "My old caretaker was threatening me... Saying that he would find out a way to convince the head of the psych ward to put me in an electric chair... " I waited for a second, giving him a look that told him to continue. "Sooo... I bit him!" He laughed out loud like someone had told him the funniest joke he had ever heard.

I gave out a sigh, I couldn't really be mad at him for how he reacted... I've been in the same situation as him... Just not as severe as his. 

I sat down next to him and laid my head on the wall. He looked at me, and then looked down at my lap, and then back at me. I knew what he wanted, so I gave a slight chuckle before putting my legs down and patting my lap. He laid his head down on my lap and let out a long sigh. 

"You comfy?" I said in a joking matter. "Yes, very" he gave what seemed to be a content smile. I hesitated before I started to pet his head. He leaned into my touch, I wasn't super surprised since he probably hasn't been touched by another living human in years. At least, not in a friendly way.

"Hey, Jeff?" He looked up at me. "About... Yesterday. I'm sorry I brought it up.." He chuckled. "I don't know if it's the drugs or if it's how comfy I am... But I'm not mad at you..." He looked back down. "I know it's just your job and it's like... Regulation that you have to ask people about their past. Uncomfy or not." I gave him a nod. "Hey, (Y/N)... Can I ask a question?" I replied with a questioning hum. "Have you ever been in love?" I froze a bit, not expecting such a question. 

"Sorry! You don't have to answer it" Jeff seemed a bit worried about my reaction. "No, it's okay! I just didn't expect the question!" He calmed down a bit. " And to answer the question, yes. I have been in love. In fact, I think I'm in love right now?" Jeff's eyes seemed to widen if that's even possible. 

-Jeff's P.o.V-

What?! They're currently in love? With who? 

Is it me? No! Of course, it wouldn't be me! Why would you think that Jeffrey? Pull yourself together man! Why would you even want that? I'm too beautiful for them!... And... They're too attractive for me...

"Do you know... Amy?" My breath hitched. 


Calm down, Jeff! Calm the fuck down! It's fine! It doesn't fucking matter!

But Why does it hurt so much to hear them say they like Amy? I knew they wouldn't like me! Amy is a good person... Unlike me. I just can't fucking help it! The urge to have someone else's blood on my hands and clothes is therapeutic! It stops the words. The ugly words swarm my head. I just want to make everyone as beautiful as me! That's a good thing, right? Whatever! It's their choice anyways. 

But I don't want it to be. I don't know why... But I don't want (Y/N) to actually have a choice in choosing who they want. It should be me! I'm fucking perfect! I'd be great for them! We're a perfect match! They even spend all their time with me!

-Y/N P.o.V-

"Jeff?" He let out a dazed hum in response. "You zoned out for a second there buddy." I let out a small chuckle and he joined in. His laugh was gruff and scratchy... In all honesty, it was kind of attractive...  Funny how that is!

"Sorry, I got lost in my thoughts." Jeff seemed less loopy now. The drugs they gave him must have been wearing off. "Do you mind if... You could answer my question from yesterday?" Jeff let out a sigh obviously tired. 

"Uhm... Yea, I guess I can..." He waited for a second, thinking of an answer. 

"I suppose I do it... Because it helps? I've been tipped off the mountain of madness (Y/N)... I just want people to look as beautiful as I do. I also want the voices to stop. And killing people... Helps?" I continued to stroke his head, his hair was... Greasy and matted. Yet soft... I don't know how he does it. 

"You said... The voices make you do it?" He nods his head. "Are the voices... Still there?" Jeff nodded his head again. "They're a lot quieter when you're here, (Y/N)" I look down at him and smile. "Really?" He laughed and nodded his head. 

"Thank you, Jeff... And Jeff's voices." I laid my other hand on his chest, he laid one of his hands on mine. He was warm.

Before I knew it I had to leave. I told Jeff goodbye and gathered all my stuff to leave. 

Once I got to the exit I saw Amy, she was waiting for me. She looked up from her phone and saw I was looking at her.

"Oh! (Y/N)! Finally, I thought you were never going to leave Jeffrey's room!" She walked up to me and grabbed some of my things. "C'mon, I'm taking you home!" I was incredibly confused.  "What? Why?" Amy looked back at me. "Well, I was just reading on my phone that kidnappings had increased in the area! And since I didn't want you walking home from work I thought that I should drive you home!" Amy started to walk out to her car and I followed. 

"I could've just taken a taxi... You really don't need to go through all this trouble!" Amy laughed. "I know... I just figured it would be nice!" I gave a sigh of defeat. "Alright... Thank you Amy" She smiled at me "Don't worry about it (Y/N)!" 

While Amy was driving me to my apartment, I could've sworn I saw some giant creature... It was tall and lean, it had tentacles protruding from its back, but worse of all... It had no face. A complete blank slank. 

I heard an unbearable static noise, I clasp my hands around my head and whimpered in agony. Amy pulled over to make sure I was alright. 

"Holy shit! (Y/N) are you okay?! What's going on?" I could barely hear her voice. I started to yell from the pain. Amy started to drive to the hospital. She was speeding away. For some reason, the pain disappeared as soon as we left that spot.

"Amy, Amy wait. It stopped. I'm okay." She slowed down looking back at me "Are you sure?" I held my head for a second, confused about what had just happened. "Yeah... Yeah, it disappeared after we left that spot..." I took a deep breath. "Just... Just keep driving please..." Amy nodded her head and drove to my apartment. I gave her a quick goodbye, not wanting to spend a second out of my bed any longer.

I went back up to my room, opened the door, kicked off my shoes, and lay in bed. I forgot to take off my clothes and change into my pajamas, but it was too late. As soon as my head hit my pillow I was out.

Boom! 2 chapters in a day! Oohhh, what's going on with Y/N? And Jeff too for that matter! You'll find out in the next chapter babyyy! Anywho, that's enough from me everyone! Have a good day/night my little simparoonies!!

Bleeding Love (Creepypasta x reader)Where stories live. Discover now