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Tw - Mention of suicide

"I have some bad news..."

Jeff looked up at me, his eyes held curiosity and worry. I felt a horrible pain of guilt wash over me... 

"Well... The uhm... Higher-ups have been observing your behavior with staff and found that you're attacking the ones I've talked with..." I let out a small exhale I didn't know I was keeping in. 

"They will be moving me to a different patient for a while... If it proves positive results for you it may or may not be permanent..." Jeff looked angry and shocked, he sat up and held his head with one of his hands. He tugged at his hair and giggled a bit before looking back at me, his eyes gave a wild and unstable shake. To say that I was worried was an understatement...

"What do you mean?" His voice was unsteady, he looked as if he was about to cry. I hugged him and softly spoke to him, giving words of motivation. "It's alright Jeffrey... It might benefit both of us... You're going to be fine..." 

He held onto me tight, his nails dug into my shoulder and it hurt. Both physically and emotionally.

"I'm so sorry Jeff... But please promise me to try and get along with your new shrink, yeah?" I heard a slight gurgle of a laugh, I took in a shaky breath and tried to laugh with him. 

I gave him a tight squeeze and got out of the hug. "Well, Jeff... This might be the last time I get to see you. So I just want you to know, I'm gonna miss you so fucking much!" My eyes held tears as I smiled at him one last time. I waved a small goodbye and left his room. Amy was waiting for me, she smiled and hugged me. Once we were finished hugging she gave me a new document filled with my new patient's information.

I guess I should try and move on now... I mean, It's not the end of the world. Everything is going to turn out fine... For everyone!

-Jeff's P.o.V-

I'll kill them. I'll kill every fucking person in this goddamn facility if I have to! 

Why did they take them from me? Do they not know what I would fucking do for them?! That is it. I am going to ruin this fucking place to get them back. I'll kill this new guy.

~Timeskip~ (say like... 2 hours later?)

-Y/N P.o.V-

I check my watch, Its only been 2 hours... I felt like its been days. This job really does go slower when you have nothing to do... Well, It's not really like I have nothing to do. It's just that my new patient is kind of boring... Is that rude? I guess it kind of is...

My new guy dosen't really have a crazy backstory, just bad parents. 

I look back down at my information sheet.

Name- Stan (Stacy) Tucker

Age- 17

Info- A transgender teenager with unaccepting parents.

Reason for admission- Reacent attempt at suicide

Man... Poor kid. What kind of parents don't accept their son? Idiots. 

I looked back at the kid in front of me, he was really closed off so I'm being patient with him.

"So, Stan. Do you have any siblings?" He shook his head no. "How about any friends?" He brought his knees closer to his face. I let out a small sigh. "I understand if you don't want to talk... Especially since you were just admitted to the ward. But I promise that this is a safe place for you, I'll make sure of it." I tiredly smiled at him. I know it sounds incensitive, but at this point I just wanted to leave... Ive been working with this kid for so long, and I'm getting nothing. I understand that opening up to a stranger is scary as shit, but it just gets so boring when you get absolutley nothing.

"Do you mind if I ask you some more personal questions?" Stan shrugged, avoiding looking at me. "What was your home life like? Before you came out, I mean." His shoulders slumped down further and tears started welling up, sympathy hit me like a truck. 

"Oh, sweetie..." I went over to him and sat to his side, and started gently rubbing his back, he moved closer to me and hugged me. I felt my shoulder getting soaked with his tears, but that didn't matter. I held him tightly, not tight enough to hurt him but for him to know I was there. 

"It's okay... You'll be okay." I started to tell him that he would be fine, and that his parents aren't here to do anything to him. It broke my heart to see how utterly distrought this kid is. Nobody deserves to be treated like shit by their family.

Once his breathing calmed down, he slowly let go of me. His eyes were puffy and red, and he was sniffiling a little bit. I got a tissue from his bedside table and handed it to him. He took it and ruubed his eyes, then blew his nose. He layed his head on my shoulder, my arm was around his side, keeping him close. 

"Are you going to be okay?" He slightly nodded his head. "Okay, that's good..." I looked at my watch again, with Stan as my new patient I had a lunch break soon. My schedule was definitely diffrent now... I had 2 hours and 30 minutes with Stan, then a 30 minute lunch break, then another hour with Stan, and then I submit all the notes I've taken and leave. So yeah... A little bit diffrent than what I had with Jeff. 

It was time for my lunch break, so I told Stan and he moved off of me, I told him I would be back and then left. 

I stretched my limbs and saw Jeff's new therapist walk towards me. What did he want?

"Excuse me, are you Dr. (L/N)?" I smiled a bit. "Yeah, that's me! What do you need?" He gulped nervously, he looked a bit pale in the face. "Do you mind if I talk to you about Jeffrey?" Oh boy... "Oh uh... Yeah, I'm about to go on my lunch break... So we can talk there?" All he did was nod and follow me silently. 

While we were walking, I zoned out. He seems kind of cowardly, Jeff is gonna eat him alive. I smiled a bit when I thought of that, but immediatly caught myself. I... Shouldn't think like that... I'm sure he's trying his best with Jeff.

We sat down at a table across from eachother, I waited for him to speak.

"Well uhmm... How did you get Jeff to listen to you..? And how did you get him to stop with the threats?" He didn't make eye contact with me and was stuttering a bit. I shrugged my shoulders a bit "I guess... I just let him talk about what he wanted to... I gained his trust and listened to him." 

He nodded his head, he was about to speak but he was cut off by a noise... 

The lights were blairing red and an alarm screatching, people were running around and screaming.. 

Jeff got out...

Hello!!! I was gone for a really long time, but I'm back!!!!!!!! Sorry about dying lmao. Failing math rn tee hee :] I'll try and post soon <33333 Good day/night my little Simparoonis

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