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Rubbing my eyes to dull the pain from the blinding light, I looked around to find nothing but empty hallways. 

An unsettling feeling washed over me, it almost felt like the smell of mildew was suffocating me. 

There was little to no wallpaper or paint, and even if there was, it was tattered or scratched up from whatever decided to take out its anger on it.

I suddenly got very nauseous, closing my eyes and taking a couple of deep breaths to calm my body down when I suddenly felt the air around me change—I opened my eyes to find myself in front of an old door.

I looked up to Slenderman for some kind of answer, it just looked down at me and gestured to the door. Letting go of its hand, I hesitantly gripped the door handle and twisted it open. Inside was a blank room, it vaguely looked like the rest of the building with a mix of stone and stained wood. 

The only thing separating it from the rest of the building was the furniture and the lack of smell. 

Walking in, I saw a dresser, a bed, and another door that presumably led to the bathroom. But there was little to nothing else in the room besides a window in the middle.

"You have permission to decorate however you may like. I understand how much humans hold their little possessions dearly to them." Jumping a little from its 'voice'. 

I turn back to look at him, nodding in response so it would go away faster. 

"You'll be able to collect your things from your previous residence with a companion so you don't run off. Try to get accustomed to your new home, little mortal." And with the blink of my eye, he disappeared.

I closed the door and locked it, going over and sitting on my new bed, looking at my new dresser and new bathroom.

"What the fuck is going on..?" Unable to hold them back, hot and salty tears streamed down my face. I grabbed a pillow and stuffed my face in it so I could muffle my cries, I let everything out. Trying to keep quiet while I just sobbed, I clawed at my arms and felt my head start to spin. My nerves were going haywire, feeling so overstimulated that it made me exhausted.

Laying down and curling into a ball on the bed, I cried myself to sleep.

It was hard to stay asleep, I woke up multiple times throughout the night from creaking floors and distant wails.

The last time I woke up, I couldn't tell what time it was due to the fog and overall gloomy sky. Forcing myself to get up I remained seated for a bit, I had to think.

"There has to be a way out of here..." Looking around I spotted the window, rushing to get to it and open it, praying under my breath that I would be able to leave. 

Opening the window and looking down, I physically gagged from how high up I was. 

I had to have been 30 or 40 feet in the air, taking several steps away from the window and taking multiple deep breaths to calm my body down. There was no way out...

"Dammit... Fucking shit dammit..! Why? Why did this have to happen..??" Leaning against the wall, I rubbed my face as I tried to clear my mind. 

I went to the bathroom to look for something to clean the awful taste from my mouth, looking in the cabinet under the sink I grabbed the mouthwash that was supplied. Taking a swig and swishing it around my mouth, I took in the minty taste. It burned but it was familiar so I didn't mind. Spitting it out in the sink, I ran the faucet and splashed the water on my face, turning it off after.

Bleeding Love (Creepypasta x reader)Where stories live. Discover now