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I woke up to an alarm harshly screaming into my ear. 

"UGHHHH" I groaned loudly, not bothering to open my eyes... I shuffled around my bed a bit, but my alarm kept screaming. 

I slammed my hand down on it, finally shutting it up. 

I sleepily lifted myself from my lying position, opening my eyes slowly. The sun shone through the blinds, which helped wake me up... 

I hoisted myself up and picked out some clothes to wear for today. Where the hell was my sweater?

I threw my clothes on my bed and... Wait. What the hell is on my pillowcase??

I examined it, and it was... Gooey? It was also pretty dark! 

Grabbing a napkin, I wiped it off just for it to smear more. "Dammit..." I took my pillow case off and threw it into my hamper. 

I sniffed the substance, it smelled like... 

"Petroleum? What the fuck??" I sighed and decided to just leave the napkin on my desk, I'll come back to it later. 

I got ready for work and made my way into the busy streets, trying to attract the attention of a taxi. But instead, I saw a familiar grey car. 

It pulled up in front of me and the window rolled down. "Hey, there hun! Need a ride?" I chuckled a bit. Yep, I guess Amy is just my personal uber!

I hopped into the passenger seat and put my seatbelt on. "Good morning Amy..." She laughed a bit. "You sound tired~" Her voice was so soft... "Yeah, a little bit..." She smiled "That's okay, hun"

She started to drive to the asylum, it was a comfortable silence. 

"So... I had a question" I looked at Amy with a puzzled look. "Well, it's actually two. One, where do you want to go on the date? And two, what's going on with Woods?" I leaned farther back into the car chair. 

"Uhhh we should go to a... Thrift shop for our date!" She blushed lightly at the idea. "Yeah, that sounds good... And Jeffery?" I raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?" Her grip tightens on the steering wheel, I began to get worried. "(Y/N)... I'm starting to get worried about him..." I became even more puzzled. 

"Jeffrey has become more violent to the faculty... Mainly the ones that will talk to you... He's getting a bit too much to deal with." My eyes widen. "He has? But... He's never seen me talk to anyone else?" She shuddered. "I know, and that's what kind of scares me... It's like he just... Knows."

I smiled uneasily, "Pretty freaky... Who has he been more violent to?" She starts to think for a moment. "Uhh... The janitor you say hi to, we've heard him giving details of hurting Alex, and me... Yeah, mostly me..." She sharply inhaled. "(Y/N)... It's getting to the point that we might need to switch his therapists..." I looked at Amy with wide eyes. "What..." She nodded solemnly. "We think we should test it out for this week... And If it proves helpful, it might be permanent." I looked at my hands that were clenched together in my lap. 

Sighing, I nodded my head. "If it helps Jeff... Then I'm not going to protest..." Amy's eyes shift to my figure and then back to the road. "If it gives you any form of consolation, you'll be getting a better-paying position! With an easier patient too!" I could see the warm smile on her face. "Will I at least be able to see him today?" She sighed and nodded. "I'll see what I can do hun..." I smiled weakly at her. "Thank you, Amy..."

We arrived at the asylum not too long after the car conversation. I quickly made my way inside to see Jeffrey, while Amy was on the phone telling the other employees to let me through. 

I opened Jeff's door and slowly walked in, he was laying on his bed but he wasn't sleeping. 

"Jeff? How are you doing?" He lifted himself up, looking confused. "(Y/N)? You're here early? Not that I'm complaining though!" I walked over to him and sat on his bed, he maneuvered his head onto my lap, and I started to scratch his scalp lightly.

"I have some bad news..."


Yes, we are leaving it here. I'm sure by now you know who the visitor is. Oh, and since this was also a shorter chapter, I'll post another soon. 


Anyway, that's all for tonight my little simparoonies!! Have a good day/night!

Bleeding Love (Creepypasta x reader)Where stories live. Discover now