Part 4

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"So," Byeol raises her eyebrows at you from across the table. "Who was that hottie at the cafe yesterday who couldn't seem to keep his eyes off you?"

You're currently seated at the outdoor dining table of your family home, surrounded by your mother and siblings, as well as your best friend Namjoon and his pregnant wife, Ma-Ri. It's been a while since you've been complete, with everyone being busy with their respective jobs to find time to come together and celebrate your pregnancy.

It's been a month since you found out, and the relief of being successful at it after the 4th cycle elated you. You'd wanted to celebrate with your loved ones immediately but it had to wait, and you're just glad that you get to be with all of them in your hometown, even if it's only for the weekend.

"A hottie? Someone's flirting with you?" Sun-hee looks up from her phone. "Who's the unlucky guy who's going to be rejected multiple times?"

You frown at her, knowing you'd done it already.

"The new pastry chef at Hobi's cafe," you shrug. "It's nothing. He's your age, actually."

"Ew," Sun-hee makes a face. "That's like, dating your little brother."

"Yup, I totally called him a kid and he hated it," you laugh.

"Well, if I'm flirting with someone and they call me a kid, I'd hate it, too," Yuri points out. "You hated it."

You scowl at her at the reminder.

"Only because that was Yun-seo's default statement every time we fought then," you roll your eyes, remembering how the 5-year gap only mattered to him whenever you argued, but never when he needed you to fix his bills and taxes or make him look good to his bosses.

"Oh, so we're allowed to say that asshole's name now?" Taehyung asks, his hardened face only ever showing up when you talk about your ex.

"Pretty much," you hum.

"But we still hate him, right?" Your brother asks.

"Not really, I just... It's been years, and it doesn't really matter now that I'm pregnant. I made it without him, that's all that matters," you sigh. "It bothered him so much that my independent ass could thrive whether he was around or not and me getting pregnant without a partner just proves that I can, indeed, make things happen without him, or any partner for that matter."

"Must be pretty lonely though," Namjoon says, as you meet his perpetually soft eyes when it comes to you.

"I have 3 different kinds of vibrators, Joonie," you laugh.

"I don't mean that!" He nudges you.

"Well, I have a little human growing in me and I'll get to meet them in a few months!"

"Yeah but, I don't mean that, too."

"I know," you laugh bitterly. "I'm too young to think that I'll never have a partner or anything. I mean, look at Mom, flirting her way to her sixties."

You all laugh, as your mother owns up to her ways. She never let anything faze her, and that's why you always looked up to her. She's perhaps the biggest reason why you even think you could do this.

Even when your father left your mother with 4 young children and a budding medical career, she didn't back down - not from being a successful doctor, and especially not from being a loving parent. With the help of your grandparents when they were still alive then, she made sure all 4 of you were given all your basic needs and more, including all the support she could give at that time, without giving up her career and happiness.

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