Part 52

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Today was a good day. If anything, he's not upset about Heejin not calling him Dada. He knows that'll take time. All he could think about is you wanting that for your daughter as well, the most important person in your life.

He can't really ask for anything more, he thinks, and as he's about to finally fall asleep, he hears faint crying sounds from the baby monitor next to you, prompting him to get out of bed and walk to Heejin's room and see what's bothering her.

He reckons it's some discomfort she's feeling. She ate so much today, so that's probably why, so he massages her belly with some oil to ease her pain, as she doesn't seem to want to poop or anything. Her crying stops after a while, and Jungkook wipes the tears from her cheeks and kisses her forehead lovingly.

Jungkook cradles and sways her like how she wants to be put to bed, wondering when she's going to outgrow this.

"You feeling better, Jinnie?" He hums, letting her sip from her big girl cup. "Maybe we shouldn't eat all that cake too close to bedtime, huh? I'll keep that in mind."

She settles in his arms and while he's carried weights way heavier than her, it's still quite the effort to make sure she's comfortable, at least until she's gotten back to sleep. She slips her thumb in her mouth and Jungkook knows that's a sign of her getting sleepy again. One thing he's learned in all the times that he's tried to get her to sleep is that him talking relaxes her, so that's what he does.

"You're getting heavier, huh, sunshine?" He chuckles, adjusting her one more time. "My big muscles can't carry you anymore, but it's okay. Keep eating and growing, just not too fast since your Mama wants to savor you being a little one just a bit more."

He decides to sit on the couch and Heejin doesn't seem to mind, so he makes himself comfortable, too, and continues.

"Anyway, it's okay if you still can't call me Dada. Kookoo is fine because I know that's what you're used to. I hope one day you'll think I'm good enough to be your dad, though, because I really want that," he smiles, getting emotional at the thought.

"You're so perfect, even if your poop smells really bad and you like to yell for me even when I'm next to you and even if you have your mother's taste in music. Maybe when you're older, I can ask you if you think I'm good enough for your Mama, too. Hmm? Maybe you can approve of me then."

Jungkook chuckles as he peeks at Heejin, who somehow thinks this is an important monologue because she's still awake, thumb still in her mouth, head still tilted up at him.

"She's literally the most beautiful person I've ever seen. After you, of course. But I love her so much, you know? I've loved her for a long time and I don't think I'll ever stop. When I first saw her, I knew right away I wanted to be a part of her life, that's why I did what I could, did what she wanted me to, just so I could keep around even if I wanted to hold her hand and tell her how wonderful she is all the time. Until, of course, she asked me to stay away."

It's like a distant memory but it still feels like he can easily point to that moment when it all changed and he can relive it all over again. He doesn't know if you ever told your daughter the story of how you and he came to be so he might be overstepping but maybe you'll never know. You're in deep sleep, after all.

"But that shouldn't matter much now, right?" He continues. "Because we're all happy together, like a family. I think that's what we are. I wish I could be with both of you everyday, for as long as you'll both want me, maybe move in here or find a place that's big for all your toys and where we can just play around, and Dada can bake and Mama can do other fun stuff she wants. You like that, sunshine?"

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