Part 50

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The party ends with the last of your family heading out the door, after having spent an hour after dinner helping you clean up Jungkook's apartment.

"Hey, let's do that tomorrow," he urges, motioning for you to drop the garbage bag you're ready to fill with more gift wrappers and boxes. "Enjoy this with us first before this little sunshine falls asleep."

You walk towards Jungkook who has Heejin in one arm, while the other one wraps around you, letting him hold you both close as you all sway to Boyz II Men in the background. He likes slow dancing like this with Heejin and you always took a pass, but now you feel your tiredness melt away with their slow breathing, and you want to be able to hold onto this moment a little longer.

Closing your eyes as you lean on Jungkook's shoulder, you release a long breath. "I don't think a song about making love to me is appropriate to be dancing to with my daughter," you hum, a faint giggle following.

"Yah, she doesn't understand it yet," he argues, "so it remains appropriate to us."

"She'll be sleeping in between us, though," you remind him, as her unfamiliarity with his apartment means she needs to wake up next to you.

"Then before that," he says. "Only if you want to."

"We'll see," you sigh, though the idea is quite tempting, as you've both figured out ways to have sex with Heejin sleeping in the room.

Your daughter's yawn prompts you to take her to the bathroom for a bath, with you and Jungkook indulging her request to have her new dolls swim with her in the tub. You'll clean that mess in the morning, too.

She falls asleep easily and you tuck her in the middle of the bed and surround her with pillows, whispering that you'll get to her soon.

Jungkook heads to the living room first to video call with her mother who's apparently been text-screaming to him about the photos of the three of you.

"She's so beautiful, darling," you hear his mom squeal as you follow out, picking up trash on your way. "And that bunny toy looks like the one you stole from your sister! It's really adorable. But you could've given yours, you know? You still have so many toys here in your room that you don't want me to give away."

"Because they're special!"

"Well, you did say you wanted to pass them down to your kids. I think she'll love the train set we got you from France, remember that?"

"Hmm, probably one of only a few toys I actually took care of," he chuckles.

You let their words settle as you tiptoe to the couch next to him, feeling like it's a personal conversation but one that still concerns you and Heejin. He's talked about how his mom still keeps his childhood bedroom in their house as is, all toys and collections and memorabilia intact. You just weren't prepared for his mom to bring up your daughter loving one of his toys that he also always says means a lot to him until now.

"Hey," you hum, scooting closer at his request.

"Ma was looking for you," he says, facing his phone to you.

"Hi, Auntie," you chirp.

It's a good 20 minutes of talking about how today went and how she's excited to finally meet you in person. Getting to know each other, at her request, has been done through video calls since you're all too busy to do visits. But Jungkook's parents will be driving out to Seoul in two weeks and that's oddly more nerve-racking than anything, which is new for you, since meeting parents has always been something you're confident about.

This feels more, though, and the unfamiliar feeling of needing validation is a little unnerving.

"Ma doesn't shut up about you and Jinnie, you know?" Jungkook says after the call ends. "She asks about you two more than me and I used to call her out for nagging but now, I kinda miss it."

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