Part 6

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Jungkook does revert to his original hours the day after that talk with you, only keeping his morning shift thrice a week. He'd glance your way every once a while, then exchange pleasantries with you and crack jokes before you leave. Seeing your tender smile as you bid the staff goodbye is enough of the push he needs to make it through the rest of the day.

It's a good distance, he thinks, as he gets to learn little things about you with every visit, but nothing to make you uncomfortable or annoyed like before.

It's a few weeks of cafe conversations later when the soft launch of the dessert menu takes place. Hobi invited you and your friends and family to the rooftop bar for it, wanting his favorite customer to be one of the first people to have the full afternoon tea experience.

The weather is perfect for this, and seeing the menu, your mouth waters at the thought of the dishes you'll get to try today.

Jungkook comes up to present the spread, confidently talking about each type of dessert and the recommended tea or coffee pair for it. He merely glances at you, smiling sweetly as he does to the other customers, and doesn't make an effort to start a conversation.

"That's not just some puppy, ___, " Yuri says, as she eyes Jungkook holding up the tray and effortlessly placing the dishes on the table. "That's some Doberman shit."

You choke on your honey biscuit, causing Jungkook to instantly head to you with a glass of water.

He asks if you're okay, to which you respond with a nod. "Just let me or any of the servers know if you need anything else," he smiles, before walking back to his spot while your twin siblings giggle next to you.

"Seriously?" You turn to your sister. "Doberman shit?"

"I see it!" Taehyung chirps. "It's the lean build and the chest and the soft eyes, yeah."

They then proceed to show you photos and share how affectionate such dogs are, but that they're very active so you'd need to keep up.

You don't miss the sultry way they say it, and you pinch their ears and tell them to shut it before Jungkook overhears them.

"He seems to be keeping his distance now, though," Yuri observes. "Pretty mature if you ask me."

"And this suddenly matters, why?" You ask.

"You're getting boring. All you talk about are work and prenatal yoga poses," she pouts. "I want the juicy stuff!"

"Excuse me! Those are pretty interesting," you defend.

"Yeah, to old people like you."

"We're literally 4 years apart, Yuri."

"You act like you're way older, though," Taehyung chimes in.

"Excuse me?" You playfully push both of them, as they both lean towards you. "I asked you both to come over this weekend so I could spend time with you, not for you to make fun of my age. We only do that to Jin, not me."

"I heard that, ___," Jin says from a few chairs down. "We're literally 4 years apart."

Byeol laughs in front of you, already used to the twins teasing you the way they do. It's Sun-hee who's spoiled, but Taehyung and Yuri just find ways to get on your nerves, which your best friend has pointed out is their way to show their love. She knows they prefer to sleep next to you on the bed whenever they visit you in Seoul, and they've done their share of pairing you with their older friends and colleagues over the years because they don't want you to be alone all the time.

The rest of the afternoon goes by smoothly - full bellies and all - and you don't recall feeling this satisfied being out on a weekend like this in a while.

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