Part 45

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"Alright, bubba. Be honest. How does Mama look?"

Heejin is propped up in the middle of your bed, playing with her toy bus, which she deems as infinitely more interesting than you.

"Bubba, look at me, please?" You pout, as if your almost-three year old can fully comprehend what you're asking of her.

She throws her toy on the floor and you pick it up, hiding it behind your back and asking her again.

"Does Mama look pretty, bubba? Do you think Kookoo will think so?"

"Mama! Bus please," she whines, hands reaching out for you.

"Does Mama look nice? Yes or no?"

"No," she shakes her head, and this goes in the list of times you wish it wasn't her favorite word.

"Okay, thanks for the encouragement, bubba. Let's just wait until Kookoo gets here and then we'll see. Thank you, I still love you," you say, planting a kiss on her forehead and returning her toy.

"Kookoo! I want Kookoo!"

"I know, bub. But he's mine tonight, okay? I promise, you'll be with him tomorrow," you smile.

It's another second that you let yourself question if you're being selfish with this - asking your mom to care for Heejin overnight so you can spend the evening and hopefully until the next day with Jungkook. Ever since that kiss you shared two days ago, it's all you could think about.

You won't lie and say that a part of you expected he'd take it further, perhaps a longer makeout session where he'd lay you down and kiss you all over, maybe have his hands explore your body and ask to stay the night.

But he didn't, and much as you'd hoped for that - even if you were the one taking your sweet time in the first place - you slept that evening with a tight knot in your belly, and you've just been waiting for it to uncoil.

You barely spoke to him yesterday and he's been busy all morning. He took a nap once he got home so he could be fully present for you tonight, he'd said, and the thought itself is making you giddy, excited.

There's no more hiding or tempering what you feel. And you wanna be able to tell him that, show him that. And you hope he'll still take what you can give.

You look at yourself one last time in the mirror and manage a smile. You don't even recall the last time you wore this dress but you'll definitely remember tonight.

The doorbell ringing startles you and it's probably because of how anxious you are.

You and Jungkook have gone on dates but tonight is different - it's a lot fancier and well, your mom convinced you to let her take Heejin for the night after you spent the whole afternoon talking about Jungkook and she had to remind you that it's okay to want this for yourself. That includes spending a night with him. Doing so doesn't make you any less of a mother. Part of parenthood is choosing things for yourself once in a while. You need to teach your daughter how to choose herself, too, your mom reminded you.

You place Heejin on her mini couch and you walk towards the door, your breath catching in your throat at the sight before you.

You've seen Jungkook in a variety of outfits of all colors - mostly monotone with pops of color every now and then. He'd sported less casual wardrobes the few times you went on dates and they always left you speechless with how sophisticated they looked, and tonight is no exception.

He has on a black silk polo with a few buttons undone underneath a burgundy velvet jacket and black slacks, which are deliciously tight enough for you to appreciate his toned thighs. His hair is slicked back with a few strands of it dangling at the side like how those Hollywood leading men would do it. It's a mix of youthful and mature, but sexy nonetheless, especially with his pierced brow and lips; he definitely upped his game tonight.

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