Part 22

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The branch of Blue Side in Busan is just as you imagined as a seaside cafe. It's smaller than the one in Seoul but the interior is smartly designed to fit a good number of customers, adding to the allure of the place because it facilitates conversations among strangers.

You wanted to pass by before you left in support of Hobi, as he couldn't stop talking about this place. The photos don't do justice, and it's really as refreshing as he described.

He called last night to remind you to visit, subtly mentioning that Jungkook is off every Sunday, and that the young new employee, Woo-shik, should be handling the counter; he'd been instructed to have your and Jin's orders on-the-house.

You know he wasn't lying and he didn't plan on setting this up. Perhaps something happened between the night before and this morning, because that is definitely not Woo-shik manning the counter.

"___?" Jungkook's voice echoes in the cafe. "So you're Hobi's friend that Woo-shik said would be dropping by today and that I should give a free drink and pastry to," he smiles.

He's not in his usual kitchen attire, and with someone entering from the back with a tray of freshly-baked bread, you think Jungkook is standing in for the one who was supposed to be here this morning.

He's dressed casually, the loose fit of his black shirt being covered by the light blue apron. It's enough to expose his tattooed right arm, though, and you briefly see new ones he added, climbing up towards his biceps and beyond.

"Yeah, that's me and Jin," you smile, and you turn towards the pastry display counter and miss how Jungkook's face falls a little.

You're about to ask what he'd recommend that they don't have in Seoul when the bell attached to the door rings and a now-familiar cheery voice greets everyone good morning.

The owner of the voice gasps as she sees you, calling your name and prompting you to face her who's now standing behind the counter next to Jungkook.

"Hi, Yae-won. It's nice to see you again," you smile. "I'm sorry we didn't get to say goodbye to you guys last night because I got really tired. Thanks for the free drinks, though. We really appreciate it."

"Oh, don't worry about it!" She chirps. "Any friend of Jungkook's is my friend, too. Like Jimin! And he speaks so highly of his workmates and you guys did seem like you had a long day and it was all we could do as a welcome."

"That's really kind of you," you respond, thinking of how much energy she has this early on a Sunday morning. "We got to see you guys dance around, though, although there was no dance-off like you promised."

"Ugh, I know right! This one right here was such a killjoy and wanted to just chill last night," she laughs, earning him a restrained hey from Jungkook, and she responds by saying that she's just joking and that their slow dance felt nice.

"We're definitely gonna make them do it today, though," she informs you. "We're going to the beach after lunch then just hang out there until sunset with a bonfire. The weather is perfect for it. You and the other Atty. Kim should join us."

"Oh, no it's okay," you decline. "I was really just passing by for a light breakfast and I need to leave right away. I have a toddler waiting for me back home and one night away is already hard."

"You're a mom?!" She asks, mouth agape.

"Uh, yeah?" you laugh, unsure of what's so surprising about it.

"Sorry, I just didn't expect women our age to be so successful in their career and be a mom, too. I mean, okay that sounded bad but like, I'm in my mid-twenties and I'm always told I can only focus on one of those at a time and you're like, wow," she rambles, awe definitely written on her face.

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