Part 26

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The rest of the week is a busy one, and you only get to drop by the cafe one more time. Back to handling multiple cases at a time, your days are packed. You had no choice but to leave Heejin at daycare the past two days, which is your last resort, and this Thursday, you're lucky that your other trusted babysitter is free.

Needing to calm your mind a bit before heading to a court hearing, you pass by the cafe for your usual coffee and pastry, phone on one hand and tablet in the other. You're giving instructions to one of your associates who can't seem to follow your train of thought when you walk towards the counter, Dea's always welcoming smile doing little for your mood.

You quickly state your orders, briefly closing your eyes in frustration after accepting that you're gonna have to meet the said associate later despite your busy day ahead, when all you wanted to do after saying goodbye to Heejin was go back home right away.

"Tough day, huh?" Dea sympathetically says.

"I can't wait for it to be over," you groan.

You give your card and it's the same time that Jungkook emerges from the kitchen with a tray of freshly-baked peach turnovers.

"Hey, good morning," he beams at you, softness and care exuding from it.

You feel your furrowed brows relax a bit, the smile you make almost automatic as his bright eyes give you some form of relief.

They always used to. You remember a time when coming to the cafe in the mornings being greeted by his harmless flirting and silly stories made you feel lighter. Behind the playfulness, you always knew he just wanted to make you laugh, to remind you that you're still allowed moments of joy. You suppose that hasn't stopped.

"Hey," you respond. "Those look good."

"You want one?" He asks.

"I'm okay. Dea's strawberry-filled donuts are my current guilty pleasure," you say, to the delight of the woman in front of you.

"You've been away too long, Jeon," she teases. "I'm her new favorite. Might've captured her heart or something, too."

You giggle at the wink she gives you, and Dea laughs along when you both catch Jungkook rolling his eyes.

"Gotta step up my game, then," he smirks before disappearing into the kitchen.

You take your order and settle in your usual corner, opting to check your phone that's linked to the baby monitor to catch a glimpse of Heejin. She's still asleep in her toddler bed while the babysitter sits by, studying while waiting for the little one to wake up.

It's one of the wonders that's allowed you to feel at ease when you're away, even when it's any one of your friends or family babysitting. Just knowing how Heejin is doing, hearing her squeal or seeing her smile, is enough for you to feel better, no matter how anxious or stressed you are.

You only allow yourself 20 minutes here before you head to a hearing for a civil case, and as you start to pack your things, you see Jungkook walk towards you, placing a small paper bag and a to-go cup.

"Cranberry black tea on-the-house as ordered by the deputy manager, aka me, and some chouqettes to go with it, as ordered by the pastry chef, also me," he smiles.

"Chou—what?" You chuckle, peeking inside.

"They're like mini cream puffs that we're now serving with special drinks. I think you'll like them."

"You better tell Hobi about this," you say, standing up with your things and your takeaways.

"I will. But think of it as a 'glad to be back' treat. It's been so long since I made anything for you," he chuckles, although you don't miss the hint of shyness in it.

"Thank you, then," you smile. "I'm sure I'll like them. Thanks, Jungkook."

"You're welcome. And whatever you're doing today, you're gonna do great, okay?"

You nod adoringly, believing in his words, then walking out the door.

You sip from the drink at the stoplight, feeling your cheek warm at the note on the cup.

Am I still your favorite? :D

Not wanting to be distracted, you wait until later that night to think about him again - how his presence this morning calmed you down a bit, and how the little treats made you feel better and less hungry throughout the day when you barely had time to eat.

You message Yoongi, asking for Jungkook's number with a disclaimer that you only want to thank the man for this morning, and he promptly sends it to you with only a smirk to go with it.

Keying it in, you send Jungkook a text.

[To: Jungkook] You were never my favorite though

You take a deep breath, feeling silly at being nervous about texting him again after so long, then feeling your heart drop at his reply.

[From: Jungkook] sorry, who's this?

You groan because he probably deleted your number.

[From: Jungkook] kidding 😝 I know I was your only favorite. just like how you were my only favorite customer. 😉

You wanna smack him for flirting with you over text, but you can't deny the way it's making your heart race.

[To: Jungkook] Hmm, don't know about me being your only favorite customer, Jungkook. 🤔🤔

You hope this time, he doesn't catch on to the double meaning of your statement. But with him, you'll never know.

[From: Jungkook] ___, you always were.

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