Part 9

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"A strawberry and cream eclair for you," Jungkook places the dessert in front of you, "and a coffee one for you," he places the other one in front of Sun-hee.

"Looks good," you eye your sister's order.

"You've got your caffeine fill for today, ___. You can't have any more," Jungkook reminds you.

"Okay, doctor," you playfully roll your eyes.

"Thanks, Jungkook. She's a stubborn one, isn't she?" Sun-hee says.

"Uh-huh. Orders people around but hates it when someone does it to her," he scoffs.

"And so inflexible sometimes."

"And won't shut up."

"Yah! Pay for your own meal and train ticket while you're at it," you glare at your sister. "And you," you scowl at Jungkook, his teasing, boyish face making it hard to be serious. "Stop being annoying."

He scrunches his nose like a kid and you have to remind yourself he's a grown adult with muscles. And abs, probably.

"It's fun to tease you," he sticks out his tongue. "Anything else you need?"

"Yes, your manager. To complain about you," you cross your arms.

He laughs again. "Hobi's running errands so you can complain to me," he smirks. "But anyway, you're out early. And not with your usual companions. You on leave?" He digresses.

"Just a half day. Going to the doctor for a check-up this afternoon," you respond.

"It's gloomy out; it might rain soon. Do you need a ride? I got my license back," he proudly smiles.

"Yes!" Your sister exclaims. "Big sis here tends to get agitated especially when it's raining and I don't know how to drive so... If you're off the clock early, your help would be greatly appreciated."

He turns to your displeased face as you argue with your sister, chuckling at how affected you seem to be by this.

"We've decided," Sun-hee says. "We'll take up your offer."

"Sure. Boss gets back soon so I can go when you're done," Jungkook grins before walking back to the kitchen.

Sun-hee's smug face prompts you to roll your eyes at her.

"Doberman. Puppy," she mouths the words, earning her a scowl this time.

"You guys are terrible," you shake your head. "We can manage the ride."

"Yeah, but that's no fun! And Byeol's right, you know? He's pretty hot."

"You can have him."

"Not my type," she says.

"Not mine either."

"Yeah, and an older and more established and supposedly mature guy is? How did that work for you?" She cocks an eyebrow.

"You know, I really attribute my bossiness to the bullying I continually experience from all of you," you complain.

"Just pointing out that having a type doesn't hold much weight when the guy isn't actually great. Yun-seo ticked a lot of your boxes but not the important ones," Sun-hee defends. "Sometimes, simple is good. Maybe if you try not to think too much, you'll actually get what you want this time."


Jungkook looks up from the game on his phone when he hears the clinic door open, your voice echoing in the semi-empty hallway of the hospital.

"Hey, how did it go?" He asks, standing up. "Everything okay?"

"Yeah," you smile at him, cradling your belly. "I am. She is."

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