Part 40

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You go on another date with Jungkook that's just the both of you after work that thankfully had you just staying at the office.

You do karaoke, with him serenading you and then you, butchering every boyband song you sing. You wander the streets of Ikseon-dong and go from one cafe and stall to another. You try odd-combination but delicious dishes, and the desserts you buy make Jungkook giddy with excitement, especially as you feed each other what you decide to separately order.

It was a date you had after spending the weekend with Heejin - you went to a toy haven kids' cafe on Saturday and then stayed in to do arts and crafts before heading to Namjoon's for dinner.

Your daughter's attachment to Jungkook is one that you don't take for granted, something that's different with her attachment to your family given the substantial amount of time the three of you spend together. It's not easy finding the balance of making sure you don't want him just because of Heejin but also because of her, the same way it is to know that he's how he is with her not just because of you.

But you see enough, you think. Hobi even goes on about Jungkook narrating his babysitting afternoons with Heejin. Jimin shares his friend randomly mentioning her or you during their game or drinking nights. And other than seeing them firsthand enjoy each other's company - with how Heejin clings to him every time he's around or how he has the softest, most child-like laughter with her - you also see it when he looks after her when you aren't around.

The baby monitor records everything, and you had it installed when you started having a babysitter over. When Jungkook would watch over Heejin on some afternoons, you obviously wanted to make sure that everything was okay and that your daughter was comfortable being left alone with him. You find out later on that it's what you need to see just how those two are with each other when you aren't really looking.

You sneak in looks even at work, but it's at the end of the day when you get to see how they spend their time together. Jungkook feeds her the food you've prepared and Heejin returns the favor by trying to feed him, too. He's figured out how she is when she's hungry, sleepy, or just pooped, and other than when she's taking her afternoon nap, they have so much fun together that you want nothing more than to be there right with them.

Jungkook has so much energy - for dancing with Heejin, chasing her around, and throwing her up and making her fly like a unicorn - something you don't have enough of after a day of arguing with people and dealing with assholes as part of your job.

She likes to converse with him, as if she's narrating an unbelievable dream she had, and she's fond of wrapping her arms around him and tucking her head in the crook of his neck. You've noticed her try to bite his face a few times. One time you went home with her in braids because she asked Jungkook to do it for her; his proud smile kept you up that night. The warmth in your heart grows as you think that these are the things she does with and asks of you.

What you appreciate the most is how Jungkook never fails to include you in everything that he and Heejin do together. He always sends photos of her to you - usually during playtime - or videos of her saying what she's doing. They wave at the camera sometimes and he'd call when you say you're free so she can say hi.

Your favorite was that one time you went home and found an artwork they both made posted on the fridge, the words resembling To Mama bringing tears to your eyes, knowing they're always thinking of you. The fact that Jungkook takes time to teach her things, whether it's arts or numbers, makes you feel like you're not making her miss out on too much, and that Jungkook, as he's always shown, cares for her in ways you didn't expect.

On Jungkook's end, the joy that he feels when he's with Heejin is natural and comfortable. It doesn't surprise him as much, since he's always loved kids. When he stayed in Busan for two years, he got to bond with his nieces and nephews whom he spent so much time playing with.

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