Part 19

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"We should go with the sister as the first witness," Jin says across from you.

"We should go with the best friend," you respond, eyebrow cocking at the familiar scene.

"Well, the sister seems steadfast and probably won't give us much. Better to get that out of the way already. It's gonna give us more time to dig deeper based on what she does and doesn't say," Jin argues.

"Well, the best friend is a nervous wreck and would most likely ramble, then we can pick apart the alibi, use whatever he says to counter what the other witnesses will say," you answer back.

Jimin sits at the end of your dining table, eyes flitting from you to Jin while Yoongi kneels by your oven, checking if his baked vegetables are ready.

Jin crosses his arms and smirks. "Yeah, I agree."

"Well that was fast," Jimin scoffs. "I'm not used to both of you being so soft to each other."

"I knew the best friend would be the better choice. I just wanted to rile ___ up a little bit," Jin says, his smug face something you admittedly miss. "Kinda missed her countering my suggestions."

"Well, Atty. Kim, maybe next time you consider riling me up, it's not when my 1-year old is sucking the heck out of my tits, yeah?" You chuckle, covering Heejin's ears from underneath the nursing cover draped over your chest.

Jin visibly blushes, and you laugh even more. He's adorable like this, not like the fierce and intimidating and cocky lawyer you're used to. He's softened a little bit, and you pointed out that he doesn't need to go easy on you; you'd rather he tell you when your argument is flawed than just let you have your way.

He insisted that he'll always call you out if he feels he needs to, but unlike in the past, he won't push it just so the tension would build. You're both at different points in your lives now, and he'd said he needs you as a friend this time more than ever, and you'd replied that so did you.

"Well, good for Heejin that she's being fed. I wonder when we'll finally get to eat," Yuri rises from the sofa where she'd been working on a design and sits next to you.

It's a Friday night and for the first time in so long, you, Jin, and Jimin are working on a murder case together. You all decided to move the discussion to your apartment so you could be with your daughter, and as always, Yoongi is with you to make sure everyone is well-fed and not ripping each other's throats out. Yuri's just glad she's not on dinner duty tonight.

"Yah! Good food requires patience," Yoongi nudges your sister. "And I thought you were the harmless child."

"Not when I'm hungry," Yuri shrugs. "And stressed. And Heejin's too busy sucking my sister's tits so I can't play with her."

"Also, Min, no Kim child is harmless," you correct. "We all have our moments. Although I am getting hungry. How much longer?"

"Just a couple more minutes," Yoongi answers. "The beef is still cooling down but the potatoes in the oven still need time."

"You want anything, ___? I can get my driver to buy something if you want," Jin offers.

"Nah, I'm okay. I want my belly to be ready for what Min's cooked for us."

"Alright," Jin replies, and seeing your empty glass, he stands up and refills it with water, knowing how you get thirsty whenever you breastfeed.

You give him a smile in response, and Jimin's wide eyes at what he'd just witnessed make you laugh.

"Not another one of your comments about me and Jin," you warn him after.

"I was just gonna say that I didn't think I'd dig this version of both of you!" He states. "I was a fan of the tension and I expected ___ toning it down a little but I didn't think Jin here would go so soft at witnessing motherhood up close."

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