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I found the stars.
They weren't on planet earth,
but far away from the universe.
I found my heart.

I found my heart.
Not in the cupboards within the kitchen,
nor the soul in my skin linen where
I found the stars.

I found my heart between yes and no,
between shattered mirrors and cracked windows;
I found her within the places I didn't dare to go-
I found the stars.

I found the stars were inside.
Not in my organs or neurochemistry,
but within the loops of my curly hair;
within pupils that glimmer a brown so bold;
I never knew until I was told
that what is far away was always close.

I never knew until I was far away
to what was always close.
The starry eyes and shiny heart of mine,
was in the stories I ruled.
They were even in the futures
I would never unfold.

Forecast: 29% Chance of Rain

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