Chapter 1

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*Art is mine. Do not use or do anything without credit or permission*

Bill sat in the cushy armchair of what used to be the Mystery Shack. He had his feet leaning against the back of the chair and his hair brushing the dusty floor like a small child would have.

It had been a few years, three exactly, since he took over the pathetic Pinetree's body and killed the rest of the annoying Pines' and the people of the idiotic town of Gravity Falls, Organ.

Bill had been sitting in the chair upside down for hours, watching an owl shaped clock move ever so slowly, round and round.

Tick, tock, tick, tock.

This would drive most people crazy or at least to pass out: blood rushing to the head, watching the steady ticking of the methodic device. But not Bill. How can you break something that was never there?

Bill finally stood up and felt a severe head rush. He grinned to himself and laughed a little. "Pain is hilarious," he told himself, letting the familiarity of the words wash over him, but only for a moment. "Too bad Pinetree is lost to the mindscape. If he ever got this body back, it sure would be a sight to see!"

Bill looked at the clock again. "It's time," he said, his smile growing larger.


Wirt waited in the dark cover of the wild unkempt forest ironically known as the Unknown. He stayed hidden and watched until at last he saw what he was anticipating.

A lone child staggered through the blazing snow storm. She was crying and clutching something close to her chest. She tripped over something hidden in the deep snow and did not get back up from the forest floor.

Wirt stepped out from his hiding place, humming as he did. With every step he took closer to the girl, thick vines and fragile leaves started to creep around the girl's small body, silencing her cries as it grew denser and denser.

After a while, the girl was completely covered by the wood. She was an Edelwood tree now. Wirt took a step closer to lay his hand on the rough bark, but he stepped on something hard. He looked down and saw a framed photograph, which Wirt figured to be what the girl was holding when she got turned.

Wirt picked it up and brushed off the wet snow.

In the picture were two girls, one of which was the girl who had the photo in the first place. She was on the back of an older girl, who was probably her sister. They were both smiling and happy.

Wirt simply let the photo drop from his hand and fall into the snow with a crunch. He grabbed the sharp wood axe that was strapped to his belt. He went to work cutting the new tree to feed the lantern he never let go of. Ever.


Finn blindly walked through the barren ice land that was once his home. He looked up from the snowy ground that he caused to freeze and for the snow to build up to be feet high. He saw something in the distance.

A dark silhouette.

Finn let out a surprised breath that came out a puff of white. He ran towards the blot on the horizon, hoping for something, anything alive.

When Finn reached it, though, he was disappointed. It was a tree, but it was long dead just like everything else in his cold, cold life.

Finn leaned his forehead against the dead wood and cried until the tree was frozen through. Finn sank to his knees. "I'm sorry I couldn't save you," he whispered to everyone he'd lost. A sob escaped him as he ran a finger over a jewel in his crown. "I'm so sorry."


A thousand years.

It was supposed to take a thousand years. A millennium for Time Baby to reform, for him to come back and regain his throne.

But it never came to that.

Sure, Time Baby got conquered, but not how he was supposed to. He was supposed to have been blasted apart by a certain geometric demon and come back angry to reconquer his time empire, but that never happened.

Now Time Baby was back from the small inconvenience the even smaller villain inflicted upon him, but he wasn't nearly as powerful as he was, as he could have been. And he was not happy about it.

"Your highness," Time Officer Lolph said, bowing in front of his master after he regained his Time Throne

"Report," Time Baby rumbled in his voice too deep for a toddler.

"Er, we've run into a few problems in your absence, sir. We need help with it," Lolph said. "I-I lost my partner to it." The time officer looked away sadly, breaking his ever present mask.

"Why haven't you solved it, exactly?" Time Baby boomed unremorsefully.

"Well, sir, these children are-" Lolph started.

"If they are children, then by all means, you should have beaten them already," Time Baby said.

"Sir, these are no ordinary children. They are murders, and crazed leaders, and monsters. One is Bill Cipher in a human boy's body," Lolph tried to explain.

Time Baby blanched at the name of his prophesied destroyer. "Get me my time milk, officer. I need to put an end to these meddling villains before they end us," Time Baby said.


So, a Bad End Friend story! Because we need more lighthearted fics about them. Well, as lighthearted as you can get with these guys.

This is kinda based off of Family Fun! by insanebatkid but not really. (It's really good, so go read that.) It is in the sense of them coming together in a single house and a bunch of random stories. It's different because I kind of have a plot line. I guess.

I don't know how to do an introduction, I am sorry. I write the stories better, I promise.

(I will add my own art later on.)

Yeah, yeah okay adieu and all that.

The End is Just the Beginning (a Bad End Friends story)Where stories live. Discover now