Chapter 18

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Frisk liked living at the Attack Shack. They liked hunting in the forest with the things Morty gives them. They liked going to Mabel's parties, eating cake, and watching the drama. They liked their and Bipper's staring contests while they blindly did the knife challenge, which ended with Bipper's fingers being chopped up, but Frisk always blinked.

What Frisk didn't like was how stuck-up Wirt was. He always ruined the fun before anything really interesting happened. Just like the other week when he broke up the fight between Morty and Mabel.

Fortunately, the good outweighed the bad, so Frisk stayed with their makeshift family. It was fun.

Like what they were doing one night when Bipper decided to do what normal, good old-fashioned teenagers did and pulled out a Ouija board.

So there Frisk sat, in between Mabel and Morty, their hands joined in a circle with Bipper across from them.

They were chanting nonsense in the living room, dark except for a few candles Mabel procured.

"This isn't working," Morty said eventually, breaking their chant.

Bipper shrugged, obviously dismayed at the failure. "It should be. I don't know what we could be doing wrong."

Suddenly, the lights came on, scaring all of them. "It worked!" Mabel exclaimed.

"What are you doing?" a new voice said.

It was Wirt.

"Lame," Frisk said as he walked over, avoiding the flickering candles so his cape didn't catch on fire, though that would have been funny.

Wirt stopped once he saw the Ouija board in the middle of their little circle. "Are you trying to summon something?" he asked with his emotionless voice. "Why when we already have to deal with Bipper?"

Frisk heard Morty laugh quietly as Bipper scoffed at that. "We are having fun like normal teenagers should," he defended. "Why don't you join us?"

Wirt hesitated, which gave Bipper the chance to laugh. "Oh, right, you're a buzzkill. Always has been, always will be."

That seemed to decide it as Wirt frowned slightly. He marched over and wedged in between Mabel and Frisk, grabbing their hands. His hands were cold, Frisk noticed.

"I wasn't a buzzkill," Wirt grumbled. "I am not a buzzkill."

"What were you like before, you know..." Mabel said, looking at his wood-like antlers.

"I was a nerd with nothing particularly interesting happening in my life," Wirt deadpanned.

"Do you miss it?" Frisk asked, causing Wirt to think about it for a second.

"Sometimes," he eventually admitted, surprising everyone. "Sometimes I wish I could go back to my boring life where I could see my parents, my brother, and I can do 'normal things' without it having a chance of actually summoning something that could kill us all."

"Me too," Mabel added quietly. "I mean, I love it here," she added after seeing her brother's face. "But I miss my parents and my nerdy brother."

Bipper looked hurt, almost, but it also looked to Frisk like he made himself deny those feelings. "I miss your nerdy brother, too."

Mabel gave him a sad smile, but Morty cleared his throat. It wasn't loud, but Mabel shot him a glare. "Weren't we trying to raise the undead?" he asked. "Not trying to make a therapy circle."

"He's right. I wanna see a ghost," Frisk said.

Bipper nodded. "I suppose you're right. Let's do this. Maybe it will work with Wirt here."

It did not work with Wirt there, but the group tried long into the night.

At one point Finn came in to see what they were doing and instantly walked off, muttering about going to sleep one more time before they killed them all.

Eventually Morty broke the chant again. "This is not working."

"Yeah," Mabel agreed. "As much as I don't want to side with Morty, maybe we should give it up."

Bipper dropped Mabel and Morty's hands and ran his hand through his hair, flashing a constellation shaped birthmark. "Okay," he said. "It is almost midnight." He snapped and all their seance supplies disappeared.

The rest dropped hands and stood up. They all said their good nights and went their own ways to their separate rooms.

Frisk curled up on the armchair they slept in. Someone, probably Wirt, who, while being a little stuck up (though he proved his worth that night), knew how to take care of everyone, turned off the lights.

Frisk quickly fell asleep into a dreamless sleep.

Soon, or what felt like soon, Frisk saw light through their eyelids. Groggily and unwillingly, they opened them and was blinded by sunlight.

Frisk stood up at the ready, confused, but they pulled out the knife they always had on them.

Somehow, they ended up in an eerily familiar woodland, but it was not the one surrounding the Shack.

They started to walk up the incline of the forest floor, but in their panic, they didn't watch where they were walking and tripped.

And Frisk fell and kept falling, but they couldn't do anything as fear clouded their vision from the familiarity of the whole scene.

After what felt like eternity, but was probably a few seconds, Frisk hit the ground, which should have killed them by all means, but it did not.

It did send pain through Frisk's body, though, and as they say up, dazed, they could feel the bruises already forming.

They looked around at their new surroundings. It was a recognizable cave, and around them was a bunch of yellow flowers. All fitting perfectly in Frisk's memories and nightmares.

They were Underground again.


When Morty woke up, he instantly knew something was wrong. Before he opened his eyes, he could tell he wasn't in his dark, cold basement room, but a warm, lighter room.

He slowly opened his eyes, one covered with eyepatch, to see his room, but it was the one he used at the Citadel before he was forced to stay at the Shack.

Morty shot out of bed. He stood in the middle of his pretty much empty room and looked around.

"Not funny, Bipper," he said, expecting the boy to pop out of nowhere and say it was a joke, but that never happened.

Morty waited for a while, but nothing happened, so he decided to get dressed and get some work done, seeing as he was already at the Citadel.

He went through work as if it were a normal day, but his mind was elsewhere, wondering and, amatively, worrying about the others and what Bipper had done this time. 


I absolutely love this chapter, which will be the first of a series of 3 chapters with the same plot. I had to split it up or it would end up being like 5,000 words, and that is way too long to be a single chapter.

It's a sad plot though. I killed my emotional capacity, and my friend, who reads it before all you lot, got mad at me.

That is all, so remember I love your feedback, comments especially! Adieu!

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