Chapter 4

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The trio decided to go into town the morning after their first meeting to scope it out to see exactly what shape it was in.

"To see if it is crumbling to pieces," Bipper has said.

"Don't you know if it's damaged? I mean, it is your town," Finn had asked.

Bipper just shrugged. "I don't leave the forest. It's too crowded."

Finn hadn't understood him. How could the town be crowded if everyone was dead?

But as the three teenagers walked up the street into town, Finn got it: there were dozens and dozens of rotting dead bodies littering the streets. The smell was putrid, like skunk and rotten meat and days-old throw up all in one.

When the group reached main street, the smell increased tenfold as if a wave of stench came rolling in. There were a lot more bodies on the long lane, seemingly the majority of the town's population.

Finn fought back the urge to gag as he stumbled back a few steps, which caused him to trip over something. Catching himself, he looked at what he tripped on.

On the pavement, dead, was a short old man with a patchwork scarecrow hat and dusty overalls.

Finn jumped back as he searched the old man's expression of joy that was held there by knitting yarn. 

Finn looked to the others to alert them of the man's strange condition, but Wirt was nudging the dead, all who had the same frozen look of happiness, out of his way with a slight look of disgust on his face while Bipper had his chin in the air as if he didn't want to look at the bodies. They must have already seen it.

Finally, they got to the center of the town square to pull off their plan. At a large statue of a coon skinned man, there was a strange cluster, a party really, of bodies in a semicircle.

There were two old men that looked like each other, though one had six figures on each hand. There was a red-headed girl, a chubby Latino man, a small Asian child, a buff man-ish girl, and, strangely, a pig.

Bipper climbed onto the statue's base using the six fingered man's head as a step. He dug his heel into the man's face needlessly hard. Wirt also climbed on, avoiding the bodies carefully. They both helped Finn up.

"Action!" Bipper yelled gleefully, still not looking at the bodies.

Finn knelt down on the statue and closed his eyes. He used his powers, feeling off of the sorrow of the dozens of lifeless corpses. When he opened his eyes, the ground was visibly frozen like an ice-skating rink.

Wirt then used his powers to make thick vines that pushed the bodies to the end of the long street. Once they were all there, Bipper threw a ball of blue flames as if he were tossing a baseball. It effectively cremated the bodies as Wirt and Finn somberly watched. Bipper looked on with pernicious glee.

"Bodies gone: check!" Bipper said after the corpses were a pile of ash. It was magic fire after all. "Clean the blood:" he said, throwing another ball of fire to melt the frozen ground, which carried away any stains on the road with the runoff water. "Check!"

"That was..." Finn started to say, but he couldn't find the right word.

"Interesting," Wirt impassively said at the same time Bipper said, "Fun!"

"It is done," Wirt said with a curt nod. "Now what?"

Bipper jumped down from the statue, which must have been painful seeing as it was more than five feet off of the ground, but he didn't show any sign of injury. "Now we fix up the buildings," Bipper answered, gesturing to the ruined store fronts. Wirt and Finn looked at him expectantly. "What?" he asked.

"Are you going to... you know..." Wirt said as he moved his hand along.

"Beasty, my physical magic only goes so far in this flesh bag," Bipper said, picking his arms up then flung them down limply at his side. "I can only move stuff from place to place, so that it looks like I am making stuff from thin air, and I can return something to what it once was. You can't make something from nothing."

"Then how was the world created?" Wirt asked.

"'Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the demons also believe, and tremble,'" Bipper quoted at Wirt. "But that's magic in a mortal body, Smart Alec. Higher beings, such as myself, can do much more in the right conditions."

Wirt opened his mouth to say more, but Finn cut him off before they could start arguing (again). "So do your 'returning to what was' on the buildings."

"Okay, but just so you know, the property in this town has always been in terrible condition, even before the chaos," Bipper said. He snapped again and at their feet appeared plaster, paint, brushes, rags, and cleaning supplies.

"Well? Get to it!" Bipper said after his companions just stared at him.

Finn picked up a rag curiously. Wirt picked up two paint buckets and shoved one into Bipper's chest.

"Relax, I was going to help," Bipper said.

Wirt gave him a sideways look. "Mmhm."

Bipper rolled his cat-like eyes, and the trio got to work.


These are not long chapters but remember to comment and read on to the next chapter!

And yes, Bipper just quoted the Bible (James 2:19 to be exact), sue me.

Also happy 10th anniversary to Gravity Falls!! I had to post a chapter today because of the bitter-sweet day!

That is all so adieu!

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