Chapter 3

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*This takes place a few days after the last chapter. I realize that I never clear that up*

Wirt woke up to a very loud singing.

"Disco girl coming through! That girl is you! Ohh, oh! Ohh, ohh!"

Wirt stumbled into the living room where the music was coming from. On the dinosaur skull coffee table, a large stereo was perched, blasting the infernal music. Wirt turned it off.

After a second, Finn came barreling in. "W-what's happening?" the boy stuttered, rushing up to Wirt.

"Nothing, calm down," Wirt said. "Bipper must want us down here for whatever reason."

"Oh," Finn sighed. "O-okay." He sat in the armchair.

Wirt studied the younger boy as they waited for Bipper. He was about 14 with two strands of white-ish blond hair that poked out of a polar bear hood. He had a golden crown on his head that Wirt could tell leaked dark magic. Finn's skin had a bluish tint, and his nose was slightly pointy.

Bipper soon came bursting in loudly, waking the other two up completely.

"Good morning," he said cheerfully.

Wirt borrowed his eyes at Bipper.

"What?" Bipper asked innocently.

Wirt gestured around the room at everything. "Why?"

Bipper laughed. "We need a team meeting, and I didn't want to wait for you to wake up!"

"A-a meeting about what?" Finn asked.

"Our plans for world domination," Bipper said as if it were the most obvious thing. "Any suggestions?"

He was met with blank stares.

"Guys! Ideas! Anything," Bipper said.

"Start small," Wirt said finally. "Work towards the world."

"Great!" Bipper said enthusiastically.

"Li-like the town right down the road?" Finn said.

"There's a town near here?" Wirt asked.

Finn nodded. "There's a sign a bit from here. I saw it when I went on a walk earlier."

Bipper smiled. "Good ol' Gravity Falls."

"But," Wirt said, sounding actually confused. "There's no one there. Not a living soul. I would have felt it."

Finn's eyebrows furrowed. "Why isn't there anyone in the town, Bipper?" he asked.

"I killed them all," Bipper said matter-of-factly. He opened his mouth to say more, but he was stopped.

"What do you mean you killed all of them?" Wirt asked in a manner implying he was appalled by the thought of a mass murder.

"Well, whadda expect? I've asked you to take over the world. I was serious, and it's not like you haven't taken innocent lives, Beasty!" Bipper shouted.

"They were already dead," Wirt defended. "I was just helping them along."

"Woah, we need to get our stories st-straight," Finn said, breaking up the fight that was about to happen.

"He's right. You seem to know all about us, but we don't know a thing about you or each other," Wirt pointed out.

"Okay, story time!" Bipper said, rubbing his pale hands together. "I once was an all powerful demon bent on world destruction, but in my plan to possess this little boy to throw him off the grand scheme of things, I got stuck and had to kill everyone in the town and start over."

"Everyone?" Finn asked.

Bipper hesitated for a fraction of a second. "Everyone."

"Well, that was very vague," Wirt deadpanned.

"Like you could do better," Bipper retorted.

"Okay," Wirt said with a shrug. "One Halloween, I went where I wasn't supposed to. I had to run, but something happened, an accident. I fell into a lake. Next thing I knew I was walking through the Unknown, a vast forest filled with lost souls. After a while, I got desperate and the Beast claimed me for his own, making me what I am today," Wirt said. A small sadness filled his eyes, but that was the only emotion he showed.

"T-that's sad," Finn said.

Wirt turned his attention to the boy. "What about you? What is your story?" he asked.

"Well, I-I used to live with my family and my dog, Jake, but one day my parents told me to sell our mule. I went, but on the way, I fell into a hole and found this golden crown. I took it, hoping to sell it, but the D-destiny Ga-ang noticed it. One thing led to another, and the gang attacked my family. I used the crown and saved them, but then there was this giant explosion... and everything froze..." Finn took a shuddering breath and shook his head. "Then you guys showed up."

Wirt frowned marginally at the boy. He supposed they all handled their grief differently, he realized almost suddenly. Finn was emotional about it, Wirt felt nothing at all, and Bipper took pride in his follies.

"Does that satisfy your want of lore?" Bipper asked Wirt, who nodded. "Good. Now, world domination! Ideas!"

"Like Finn said, the town," Wirt responded.

"But it's empty," Bipper reminded him.

Wirt nodded, an idea forming in his head. "Exactly."

"And what is that supposed to mean?" Bipper said.

"I-I think he means we fill the town with people," Finn said, looking to Wirt to see if he was right.

"Then seize control," Wirt nodded.

"New pawns..." Bipper said, putting a hand to his chin in thought. "I like it!" he exclaimed finally. "Where to start?"

"Rebuild the town, wash away the bloodstains, and bring people in," Wirt said.

"So, run a town by ourselves?" Finn asked.

"Not the mundane stuff like government and school systems and what not, but from behind the scenes," Bipper said, nodding along. "That might just work." He grinned.

Bipper looked at his two companions They looked back and nodded.

"It's settled, then. Meeting adjourned!" Bipper said, smiling away.


A lot of dialoged this chapter, sorry. (Wait why am I apologizing?)

Anyway, I have a really weird plot in this book, but it just kinda stuck while I first wrote this, sleep deprived and delirious. It all comes together and there is never going to be a super long and boring chapter about them setting up the government and school systems and hiring people and all that.

It's good, I promise. So don't forget to comment and like. I really like your feedback!

That is all so adieu because that's what I always say for no reason whatso ever.

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