Chapter 26

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This is a major time jump, just saying ahead of time. Not much has happened. Halloween was chaotic, Thanksgiving happened, Christmas is coming up. Morty's birthday passed, and Wirt's is soon. It's December. I have a timeline, I swear.


Wirt lazily shuffled his cards once again as he half-heartedly listened to whatever Mabel, Frisk, and Finn were watching. Morty was sitting across from Wirt, writing in a small notebook.

It had gotten too cold to up and leave the Attack Shack to venture into town or to explore the forest (for all but Finn), so that left with only idle, mundane things to do around the house.

Bipper often disappeared for hours on end, probably to see his little cult and whatever else he kept his suit sleeve. Despite the cold and how he came back covered in frozen water and his face rosy red, he left often.

He always returned, though, and always either frowned at them lounging around or joined in on whatever his twin was doing and bothering Morty until the eyepatched teen stormed away.

Today was not a good day, apparently, because as soon as Bipper walked into the living room, his nose a bright red, his face twisted into a scowl. He crossed his arms and just stood in the doorway.

Eventually it was Morty who spoke up. "Are you looking for something?"

Mabel turned the volume down on the television, and Wirt gathered his cards as Bipper finally made his way into the room.

"We've been lazy lately," he stared simply, his hands clasped behind him as if he were delivering an important speech.

Wirt and Morty shared a weary glance over the table while Bipper continued, "And while this is fine for normal teenagers to do – and, yes, we need the rest – we don't really have the luxury to do normal things."

Bipper paused, which gave Morty the opportunity to butt in. "And the point of this lecture?"

"Yeah, yeah," Bipper said. "Basically, I have an experiment-"

"No," Wirt said, which earned him an annoyed glare. "No experiments. Someone will get hurt with you doing who knows what on us."

"Stop interrupting. I was saying we should learn how to fight so none of us do get hurt," Bipper finished.

"What would hurt us?" Wirt asked, but the question was drowned out by the voices of his friends.

"Fight?" Mabel exclaimed excitedly.

"Like with weapons?" Finn inquired.

"How are we supposed to do that?" Morty smarted off.

"Cool," Frisk said, messing with the remote.

"All surprises," Bipper said as he grinned, his eyes sparkling mischievously. "That will be revealed sooner or later. This surprise will start in fifteen minutes."

He glanced around the room once more before he made his way back out the door.

"I think he's losing it," Morty muttered with a shake of his head.

"Or something really bad is about to go down," Wirt muttered back.


When the confused and jacketed teens got to the freezing cold yard, there were targets and mats lining the open space.

In the middle of it all stood Bipper with a few bundles held in his arms.

Once they gathered around him, Bipper threw one of the bundles at Frisk and another at Mabel.

The End is Just the Beginning (a Bad End Friends story)Where stories live. Discover now