The Force

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The morning after your Trial

It's a cool morning on Coruscant, the soft push of the wind flows gently through your hair catching the small hairs at the back of your neck while you meditate on a balcony overlooking the speeders bellow, it didn't disturb your meditation. Your hands gently clasped behind your back and your legs stood firmly to the grand, slightly apart from each other like you're in the midst of a star jump. Your eyes are closed yet you can see everything around you so clearly, you can see the morning birds chirping to wake up the wanders of the underworld, the bees collecting their pollen needed for the day ahead of them and the Padawans training in the morning sun while their Masters observe their actions with caution. Your breathing is controlled and slow as you clear your mind of all things that distract you from the force. You can feel it's presence in the things around you as you become one with it. It travels up your arms from the tips of your fingers through your chest and down your legs as it connects with the ground bellow. You sense a presence, their eyes staring into the back of your head, tracing down your hair to the back of your hands.

"It is rude to stare." You sense their panic as they realise they had disturbed you. You continue to connect with them and realise it is Master Obi Wan Kenobi.

"I can leave If I'm disturbing you? my apologies." He felt you connect with him as you uncovered the mystery behind his presence. Your eyes still closed and facing away from him you answer his question.

"No worry Master, Your presence is...soothing" you sighed in a calming manor. You felt a smile creep across his face as you spoke to him.

"Congratulations on passing your Trial y/n. I wouldn't of expected anything less of you." He proudly exclaims in your direction. A smile appears on your face as these words gently escape his mouth.

You turned to face Kenobi with a gleam in your eye "Thank you Master, all the best for having you as my teacher." You chuckled, he laughed with you.

"Well then, Jedi Knight, what are your plans now after exceeding my expectations?" Kenobi smiled at your sudden glow, his cheeks turned a slight pink and a smile cascaded across his face.

"We have a mission to attended to Master, had you forgotten?" You questioned him with a tilted head and a lifted brow. Obi Wam never forgets a mission.

His eyes widened at your words. "No, of course I haven't. I just had no idea you would be coming with me. This will be your first mission young one" He smiled at you, genuinely excited for your first mission

You laughed at the fact he called you a 'young one' even though it was coming up to your 20th birthday. "Im no longer a young one master."

He chuckled "ah, don't let it get to your head y/n." He took a step towards you and placed a hand on your shoulder and smiled. You pushed your eyes tightly closed and embraced the contact he made. It gave you butterflies which you ushered away as to not catch any feelings for your old Master. Sometimes you couldn't help it and the butterflies took over. Looking up at his clear blue eyes like the skies of Naboo stared at the residence below and his golden hair pushed gently back into a style in which he wore all the time, however, on occasion you would notice one stand make its escape from the rest. You couldn't help the feeling of butterflies enter your stomach each time he came close to you, his breath so close to your neck, his eyes on yours and yours on his. He was the person you would break the Jedi code for. But he wouldn't do the same for you...would he?

"Y/n are you in there?"
You snapped out of your trance to face Kenobi as he stared worryingly into your eyes. Oh those eyes.

"Yes, sorry Master, shall we get packed and ready to leave?" You quickly exclaimed to him as to distract him away from the other things in your head.

"Yes, that sounds like an excellent idea but-"
You cut him off by walking past him, leaving him questioning your actions. The stroke of his beard secured this idea in your mind.


2 years earlier...

The warm air of Tatooine didn't do any favours for your overheating body as you proceeded with your daily tasks after wiping the sweat from your brow. You worked in a local store. You sold trinkets, bits and bods, odds and ends. Most of it was scavenged or stollen. You had an exceptional sense for the good quality items that lingered around the scorching sands. One of them being a book you had recently found, a book on the Jedi for that matter. You felt pulled to it, possessed almost, to pick it up. Tracing your fingers across the cover, over the glowing saber that crossed the front of the book. You opened it timidly, however, after reading a few pages you felt a sudden change in you, almost unnoticeable to the naked eye, but you knew. Your eyes widened and you threw the book at this sudden change in you that you could not explain. You slid down the wall that held you and sat on the floor breathing quicker then you would if you had worked all that day. You closed your eyes and took to breathing techniques to try and calm you down.

Kenobis POV:

He felt a shift in the force while on a mission with his old Padawan Anakin Skywalker. Anakin didnt feel it, he didn't blame him thought, he knew that Anakins sense were less developed then his. Obis mission was to discover the whereabouts of Padmes Assassin. They had been lead here but had no further clues of their whereabouts. The last place they had to clock into for information was the local trinket store. The sun beating down on their backs as they cascaded away from the sun but not the heat into the store. A girl, not much older then 18, was sat on the floor, breathing as if she had never taken a breathe before.  Obi pulled down his hood which gently rested along his shoulders and back, he slowly approached the girl noticing the discarded book off to the left. He knelt down to her height as she hugged her knees and pressed them to her chest.

"Miss, are you okay?" He placed a hand on her shoulder. Her eyes snapped up to his, red raw to the point that he couldn't tell what her natural eye colour was, tears streaming down her plump red checks. He felt a shift in the force as she burrowed he eyes into his. She didn't utter a word just yet.

Without looking away from the girl "Anakin, pick up that book."

Anakin complied and picked up the disregard book. "Master, it's a book on the Jedi."

Obi looked over his shoulder at Anakin then back at the girl. "Miss, what is your name?" He gently caressed her shoulder.

She looked down to her knees. "y/n... y/n l/n what happened to me?" She uttered in a whisper.

Obi approached her with a gentle voice that pulled her out of the scared corner in her mind "it's okay, have you ever felt like this before, different in a way, have you ever noticed abilities that no one else has?"

With a shakey breath she responded with a nod.

"Okay, that's okay, we are here to help you. Can you walk y/n?"

She shook her head. "My legs feel stiff and..and I-"

Obi wan cut her off and placed his rough hand gently onto hers for support. "It's okay, we can carry you, we have a ship. When you're ready we would like to talk to you about something very important okay?" He gently caressed her hand with his thumb and with that he picked her up bridal style and carried her out of the shop. She gently rested her head on his chest and closed her eyes. It was almost like she was at peace in his arms. He took this opportunity to take a closer look at her. She was beautiful, the most beautiful girl he had ever seen, he was transfixed on how your hair fell around your face and how your nose twitched every so often. He adored your hands as they grasped onto his chest. He felt your warmth run through your body into his and a slight smile rest on your face as you lay in his arm.

Once he had arrived at his ship he placed you in his bed, he removed your boots and gently placed them at the foot of the bed. He stood up and headed for the door he looked over his shoulders as you lay under the blanket clutching at a corner of it and sighed. He smiled at your sleepiness and with that he closed the door to allow you to sleep. Anakin took to his quarters for rest and Obi sat at the control panel, flicking through the book that seemed to have caused you all this torment.

I hope you enjoyed it, I'm honestly loving how this backstory is coming along. Don't forget to comment and vote :))

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