Blindness, Deception, Manipulation

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You had awoken again to find Master Yoda by your bedside. He was calm, his small rob draped over his shoulders and his stick firmly placed in his hands, his gaze kind and his smile even kinder.

"Master Yoda, what do I owe the pleasure." You bowed your head but winced at the pain that lead after. Yoda placed a hand on yours and spoke softly. "need not push yourself for me mmh. Well on your mission you did, but be careful next time you must. Lose you, we can not." He nodded his head

"I'll try Master."

"No, do, or do not, there is no try."

"Yes master."

"Leave you to rest I will, check in with me when you're better you must mmhm." And with that he jumped down off of his seat and left your room. You appreciate his presence in your time of healing, he's a wise old jedi and he knows that you pushed yourself too much this time and didn't look at the bigger picture. You begin to ponder his words when the door opens once again and in comes obi wan. Oh how you've missed his lush beard and his course hands in yours.

"I see you're feeling better."

"Yeah, getting there."

"Good, I- we, we need you back." You blush, and so does he. God how you wish you could just grab this man and kiss him so many times that you don't dare to count. And just like he read your thoughts ,he probably did, he planted a soft kiss on your lips before looking deep into your soul. "I love you."
"I love you too Obi Wan."


As time began to pass on after your recovery Obi wan became increasingly worried about Anakin, his affiliation with Chancellor Palpatine and the love he felt for Padme. Obi wan couldn't judge as he loved you as much as Anakin loved Padme. All four of you knew of eachothers secret relationship but you and obi wan never let it distract you from your role as a Jedi. However, Anakin, had recently been having dreams of padme a death, like he did his mothers, and he is worried he will not be able to save her. Since the start of these dreams nothing has been the same. However, life must go on and you have been tasked with helping Obi Wan being down Grievous, after locating him and moving in with your troops, something takes a turn for the worst.

"You dropped this General." Commander Cody spoke to Obi wan.

"Thanks Cody, we're almost at the end of this, the clone wars almost over."

"Not yet it's not so let's get moving before grievous gets away." You spoke

"Yes sir."

As you and Obi wan ascend that walls blaster shots take the rock out from beneath you and you fell into the water bellow.


Obi wan jumps down after you but all you see is black as the world around fades away.

Then, the coughing started and as you lungs grasped for the air that now surrounded you, your eyes shot open. Obi wan news by your side looking at you with pure terror.

"Thought I lost you there." He smiled worriedly as he patted your face and arms as if he was making sure it was really you and not a ghost. You sat up to face him. "I'm okay, what happened?"

Obi sighed. "The clones, they have turned against us."

"What, how?"

"I don't know, we need to get off planet and find out what is really going on."

"I thought we ended the war after killing Grevious."

"Apparently not, let's get to the ship and contact the Jedi order."

You nodded and followed obi wan as you both made it to your shop unscathed. You sat by the holo table and placed you saber on the sofa beside you. Obi wan goes to the controls and tries to get a connection to the Jedi Order.

"There's nothing, we best go to Coruscant ourselves."

You nodded, obi wan placed the coordinates into the navi system, the ship took off not long after and you were launched into hyperspace once clear of the planet.


During the whole journey the worry and the suspicion set in of what could have happened for the Clones to turn, how many of them, who they were attacking and what for. The questions flew round in a circle in your mind faster then you could even keep up with until obi wan interrupted the circle and spoke.

"We are here."

As you and obi wan get off your ship and head for the Jedi council something seems off, The Jedi Temple is usually quiet but not this quiet. As you and obi wan head up the stairs you're presented with a terrible sight. Bodies littered the floors, Padawan and Master alike. The urge to be sick rose in your chest but you held It down, I think obi felt the same.

"How could this happen." Obi broke the silence, thankfully.

"I...I don't know. Even the younglings didn't make it." You covered your mouth as you walked through the halls. As you enter one of the classrooms Master Yoda is sat by a body inspecting its wounds.

"Master Yoda, what happened."

"Hmm, know, I do not."

"Do we have any clue at all Master?" Yoda looked down at the body and pointed to his wound.

"This Padawan killed by Clone, he was not, but by lightsaber." You and obi wan looked at master Yoda in disbelief.

"But who could have done this." Obi wan spoke with fear, maybe he knew exactly who would do this, or he had no clue at all.

As all three of you leave the Jedi temple you come across the security room. Obi wan looks torn. He's unsure whether looking will just bring him hurt and upset or if it will help him. You take this as a sign and you decide to inspect the footage.

"Only pain you will find." You turned your head to Yoda

"We must know Master."

As you flick through the footage you are met with Anakin, but he's different somehow. As the recording goes on anakin is seen doing terrible things, the very things you had just seen but the Clones were not attacking him,no, they were helping him kill the Jedi.

You scrolled further back into the footage and there he was again, Anakin, but this time he was kneeling before a cloaked man.

"You have done well my new apprentice. Rise Darth Vader."

You turned off the recording.

"I cant watch anymore."  You turn to Yoda and his head is bowed in sorrow.

"Destroy the sith, we must." Obi Wan knew what this meant, his old Padawan, would have to be destroyed too. Anakin was like a brother to Obi Wan. He loved him and he didn't want nothing bad to come of him, but he was too blind to see the manipulation and deception he received from Chancellor Palpatine. The dreams Anakin had were more then dreams and all of you knew that. Anakin was destined to fall before Qui Gon even found him and it broke Obi Wan. His masters last wish failed right before his eyes. He felt betrayed, lost and disoriented as many other feelings flooded his mind His expression never changed. The very deed that Anakin had committed was absolutely destroying Obi Wan, possibly beyond repair. The silence hung between you all. It was thick and all consuming until Yoda spoke again.

"Go to Palpatine I will, find Anakin and destroy him you must."

"Let me kill Palpatine, I can not hurt Anakin, he is like a brother to me."

"Too powerful he is, Find Anakin you must." You looked to Obi Wan, his face fell but he knew what he had to do. He nodded to Yoda and left for his ship, you bowed to Yoda before you followed.

I'm still unsure how I will end this saga but i really like this chapter sm. hope you enjoyed. Not sure how many more parts there will be.

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