Unconditional Love

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It's been a few years since the events of order 66. Your life with obi wan was wonderful. Both of you missed the Jedi order dearly but your love for eachother carried you through those times. Your home was beautiful, even if it was in the side of a rock. A town was located not far from where you stayed. Obi wan took up a job at a meat factory on the outskirts of town during the day and you took a job at the bar at night. This made sure that atleast one person was around to ensure Luke's safety. He was getting big now, and cleaver, like his father.

You came home from work one evening, it was late, around 2 am, Obi was asleep in bed so you crawled in next to him after changing. He felt your presence.

"Your early." He groaned in his sleepy voice.

"They let me off early because it was quiet." You explained quietly.

"Alright Love. Goodnight." You cuddled up to each other and fell asleep.

When you awoke Obi was no in bed. You begrudgingly got up and bored to the kitchen/ sitting area.

"Morning." He spoke, he was facing the stove as he felt your presence enter the room.

"Morning." You smile as he turned around. His toned chest visible as he slept with no t shirt on, you usually did that for him. Wearing his t shirt to sleep helped with your insomnia, after Order 66 it was hard for either of you to sleep, so him seeing you wear his t shirt helped him, and you actually wearing it helped yourself.

"Any plans for today?"

"I was thinking a date? I'm off work." He's so kind.

"Sounds good, I've missed our dates." Once you had dressed you both left for town. It was nearly dark when you got there. He had decided to take you to a restaurant, it may not be high class, but a date was a date and you were just happy to be with him in the moment. The food was good, really good actually.

The night was coming to a close when something shifted in the force. Both of you felt it. Luckily you both carried your sabers just incase, you knew both of you were constantly being hunted so you needed the advantage. Both of you holstered a blaster too, of course. Both of you left the establishment and saw a ship land in the centre of town. Two inquisitors exited the ship. You both ran for cover as to not be recognised by any of them.

"You know why we are here, there are Jedi hiding on this planet." This Inquisitor had green skin his voice snarled at the end of each word.

You will be rewarded we-" the other inquisitor cut his speech short with hers

"Or you will Punished!" Her hair was braided back into a very sleek and practically hair style, he stance strong.

"Reva!" You're assuming that's her name the other inquisitor spoke of.

"Hands go first." Her words evil. You and Obi wan shared looks of discomfort at her words. She started circling the crowed that gathered outside.

"That way, when you reach for anything, you think of us." She continued to observe the crowed. A women stepped forward.

"This is the Outer Rim. You have no authority here, we are not under the empires co-" her sentence cut short as Reve slices of the women's hand. You winced and Obi felt it, he grabbed your hand to stable you.

"All we want is information, if anyone, knows anything about a Jedi." She scanned the group and landed on one person. Which both of you recognised to be Owen.

What was he doing here

You communicated with him through your force bond that you two had developed over the years.

Till The End Master(KenobiXReader)Where stories live. Discover now