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Ik this is short but it's my first story so bare with me :)) , dm me requests of other Reader X characters you want to see or put them as a comment. Enjoy :)) padawan is over the age of 18 just as an fyi.

"You can do better then that my Padawan!"
Master Kenobi bellows In your direction after blocking your attack and sending another in your direction. Training with your Master can be tedious at times, especially when he's in the competitive mood, which is almost always. For a moment you sense turmoil in him, like he didn't want to strike again, but he took a step forward and continued with your training. Kenobi throws all of the attacks you can possibly muster up in your mind, you present a block for each one until he catches you out. Your legs are knocked out from under you and in a split second you're laying flat on the floor facing him with your Masters wooden saber to your neck. The look in his eyes told you that he knows you're distracted by something.

"Y/n, you should know all of these blocks and attacks off by heart, where is your mind young one?" Kenobi expresses with a questioning and concerned look across his face.

"Nothing Master, I'm just nervous for my Jedi Trial is all." You uttered to Kenobi in an almost whisper.

"No need to fear my padawan, I have taught you everything I know, you will become one of the best Jedis I will ever see, I am sure of it." He insisted, his face spread with joy and pride. The smile that is hidden and distorted by his lushes dirty blonde beard made you smile in tow. His words and expression sent unexpected but not unwelcome feelings. No! This is against the Jedi code. You shook your head to hopefully clear any thoughts or feelings you may have, letting them drift away in the blanket the air creates out of the open window.

With a smile Obi Wan offers his hand to you, you take it and stand to your feet. His hands rough but comforting in yours.

"That's enough training today y/n you've done well." Obi wan gestured to the door while you bow in his presence before taking your leave.


The walk back to your quarters was quiet but not lonely, the force strong within you didn't allow you to feel alone as it combined itself to you, guiding you and keeping you at bay. You felt almost at home with it. Once you had reached your quarters you noticed you still had Obi Wans clock after borrowing it from him, you always tend to lose or forget yours and with that you huffed and pouted while turning on your heals to head to Obi Wans quarters.

The trail to Obi Wans quarters felt euphoric, a rush of energy making its way through your body as you have never even seen him outside of training or a mission. You halted at the door, taking a depth breath before knocking quietly. The door slowly slid open.

"y/n? What are you doing here?."
Obi Wans stature coving the door disabling your ability to see his room. He leaned against the door frame with his wrist gently pressed against his forehead he looked down upon you with a questioning look as if you had just commit the most outrageous crime. You took a step back as his presence in this setting overwhelmed you. You cleared your throat before attempting to converse with him.

"Sorry to interrupt Master but I forgot to give you your clock back at the end of our training session." Kenobi chuckled at your response and tucked his head before bringing his gaze back to yours.

"This could have waited till the morning y/n, you have your trail tomorrow and I don't want you staying up late with such activities. You need to be prepared and well rested my young padawan." You bowed your head as the sorrow feeling you almost certainly despise creeps it's way across your face. He placed his fingers gently upon your chin and lifted your gaze to meet his.

"But...thank you y/n, I appreciate this kind gesture. Now get some rest." The feeling of his warm fingers on your face sent electric bolts up and down your body. His kind words created a symphony as they entered your ears. You blushed and stepped back from his hand. An almost saddening look crossed his face and his hand slipped away from you and planted itself on his hip.

"It is my pleasure Master Kenobi." You smiled and bowed in his direction to which he mirrored. While turning away from him and walking to your own quarters you could feel his eyes staring at you as you gracefully walked away. A smile etched its way across your face as you continued your journey back to your room.

Throwing yourself into your bed after changing and showering felt remarkably comfortable. You settled yourself into your cozy bed as the sheets clung to your warm and bare legs. As you closed your eyes you imagined a life as a new Jedi Knight. The adventures you will have and the people you will meet. You slowly drifted into a peaceful sleep clutching at the spare pillow beside you.

I hope you enjoyed the first part, if you have any requests lmk, sorry this one is short :))

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