From the ashes of another

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You both entered your ship. Obi wan had no spoke the entire time. His force signature cold, you place a hand on his shoulder and walked around to face him. Now placing both your hands onto his shoulders.

"Don't shut me out Obi wan, this isn't your fault." His head bowed

"He...he was the chosen one." He lifted his gaze to yours. His eyes blood shot and hurt.

"Obi wan listen to me, this isn't your fault, he was destined to fall you must see that. The prophecy was misunderstood." You tried to reassure him. "We have to do, what we have to do Obi Wan. After all of this, we will go away, we will get new identities and live out our lives together." He began to soften slightly.

"We must go to Padme" he signed. "He might have gone to her."

"Okay, let's start there." You're glad that he was making progress even though this hurt him like a stake to the heart.

You both exited your ship and entered Padmes living quarters.

"Goodness, I thought you to had died!" You hugged Padme.

"No we are okay, when was the last time you saw Anakin, we haven't seen him in a while and we are worried." If Padme was force sensitive she'd be able to see through the white lie you had just told her.

"Yesterday." She walked to her sitting area and sat down. You and obi wan followed her and sat next to her

"Do you know where he is now?" Obi wan asked

"No." She seemed hesitant

"Padme, we need your help, he is grave danger." You practically pleaded.

"From the Sith?"

Obi wan was reluctant. "From himself...Padme, Anakin has turned to the Dark Side."

"You're wrong! How could you even say that." She became increasingly upset by the news. Denying it all."

"We have seen... Security recordings of him..." he took a second to finish his sentence "killing younglings." His hand covering his mouth just like the first time he saw what he was now telling Padme.

"Not Anakin, he couldn't." She was in disbelief.

"He was deceived by a lie, we all were." You tried to soften the blow that obi just lay on Padme.

"The chancellor was behind it all, even the war. Palpatine is the Sith Lord we have been looking for. After the death of Dooku, Anakin...became his new apprentice."

Padme was speechless. She had no words for the horror just described to her.

"Padme, we must find him." You gently placed a hand onto hers to comfort her.

She pulled it away when she realised "you're going to kill him aren't you?"

Neither of you spoke for a moment

"He has become a very great threat."

"No, I can't..." she shook her head and turned away from you both.

You stood up after planting a soft pat onto Padmes shoulder, hoping to offer some sort of support in this time for her. You walked to the exit of her living quarters, obi wan followed you.

"Anakin is the farther isn't he?" You turned to face her for the last time, she looked at you with the look that indicated your observation was ,indeed, correct.

"I'm sorry." You both left her to hopefully find a new lead.


After hours of searching for new leads rumour got around that Padme was planning on going, alone, to convince Anakin to return. You thought it was a good idea but Obi wan suggested you both follow her aboard and find out his true location. You didn't think this was a good idea, something felt off, but this was your only lead and so you went with it. People were going to die tonight.

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