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You woke up the next morning, obi wan lay still underneath you. You lifted your head to see if he was awake but he was not, he slept like a log last night. You lay your head back down and shuffled close to get comfortable. You felt him move slightly too and he placed his hand on your head and began to gently stroke your hair out of your face.

"Good morning." God his morning voice.

"Morning, sleep good?" You didn't love your head to look at him, you felt relaxed as his hand continued the same motion.

"Yeah, the best." You knew he was smiling, even if you couldn't see it on his face. You both lay there for a moment. No noise but the sound of his heart against your ear and the slight wind crashing against the stone walls.

No longer then an hour passed before obi wan spoke again.

"We should probably get going soon, we still have a mission to complete." You sigh, sadly yes, you did.

"Yeah, it's just so cold." It's true, outside the comfort of the duvet the air was still cold. You sat up and shivered slightly, Obi wan lay still for a moment as he watched you dress, mesmerised by you.

"It's not that bad once you start to move around." You chuckled slightly embarrassed. He smiled and nodded as he rose from the bed. He began to change while you collected all your belongings scattered across the floor.

"Let's get going then." He smiled.


"You have nowhere to run." Obi wan spoke sternly to the clocked man.

"Who do you work for?" Your voice strong, you wanted to crack this and save the chancellor.

"People, far stronger then you or I." The man spoke, he sounded rather esteemed and of high status. Neither you nor obi wan could see his face as he had a dark clock covering himself.

"Reveal yourself at once." The men obliged and three of his cape.

"Dooku?" You and obi wan spoke in unison

"I've been looking forward to this."  Obi wan frowned and Dollis remark.

Dooku stood facing both you and obi wan and began to ignite his lightsaber, you and obi wan do the same. The sound of their breathing and the hum of their lightsabers the only noise that's filled the cool and empty lands of Jedha . Count Dooku holds his lightsaber at the ready, a sly smile on his face. You and Obi Wan prepare to bring down dooku and end this war once and for all.

The fight begins with a flurry of attacks as you and obi wan engage dooku. Dooku's lightsaber skills are formidable, and he is able to hold his own against both you and Obi Wan.

"I expected more of you Obi wan, you disappoint me, Qui Gon held you in such high regards." The anger grew on Obi Wan face but he kept composed and fought off Dooku.

"Give up now and we can rule the galaxy together, master and apprentice." His smile never faded but obi wan never cracked.

"Don't listen to him Obi Wan."

"Be quite little girl, you know nothing." You anger spiralled and you quickly got Dooku cornered as obi wan stepped back.

"I know more then you think Dooku." Your teeth gritting in anger.
"Don't let your thought betray you, be careful." Obi wan spoke peacefully. This made you think for a moment and take a step back. Dooku saw his opponent and went for it.

"Y/N NO."


You woke up in a clean environment, the walls white and the ceilings bright lights staring down on you -as you rapidly blinked to adjust to your surroundings. You looked around and it seemed you was in medbay. You continued to glance round and to your left lay a very fatigued Obi wan, his head lay gently next to your hand by your side as his body slumped over in a chair next to your bed. A slight smile cascaded across your face as you placed your hand through his strawberry blonde hair, it's soft texture felt comforting in your hands. His head shot up as he looked at you. His eyes full of sorrow but turned delighted as soon as he saw your face.

"I was worried sick you wouldn't make it." Your hand moved to his cheek as he spoke to you.

"Here I am." You smiled

"And here you are." He chuckled

"What happened."

"Dooku hit you with his lightsaber hilt and it knocked you clean you, but blood started to rush from your head, I couldn't leave you."

"Did he escape?" Obi wan bowed his head.

"I'm sorry." He looked at your eyes.

"It's okay, we'll get him next time okay?" You hand stayed on his cheek as you gently rubbed your thumb across this cheek bone.

"Get some rest, I'll be back soon I just have to talk to the council okay?" You nodded. He planted a kiss on your head and left the room. As you drifted to sleep you couldn't stop thinking about the night you two shared and if it would ever happen again or if it was a mistake.

Sorry this one's short, it's like a filler episode tbh, I wanted the story to move on :,)

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