New Experiences

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Just as an FYI that all of this is all still in the characters past where she first met obi. Anyway enjoy.

You awoke to find yourself planted firmly on a soft mattress. the silk sheets lay gently on your covered legs yet you still feel every fibre of the soft fabric. Pulling your hand up to your face rubbing at the sleep caught in the corner of your eyes you sit up in the bed. The room was dark but the walls were a bright white. The crystal walls had a black trim that started and never ended at the seem between the floor and the ceiling of the room almost like a protective seal. You made out a wardrobe in the far left corner of the room housing robes and Jedi clothing. You squinted your eyes towards the square that is centrally places on the door to your room allowing others to peep in, and you too peep out. You swing your legs out from under the covers to revel that you're boots are missing from your feet. You attempted to look around but the darkness consumed all that was in the room around you. The silhouette of a draw table and chair scattered the room. You stood up carefully de your seated position on the bed and made your way to the door, your feet slightly sticking to the cold surface bellow making a faint noise as you walked. You gently felt around the door frame for away to open it but could not find the panel in the darkness of the room. With a sudden jolt the door opened and stood before you was a man. His hair a dirty blonde with a beard to match, he placed one hand on his hip and one hand on the frame of the door.

"I heard you wake, sorry if this seem intrusive but we have a lot to talk about, please, take a seat." He gestured to the small sofa that curved around a holotable almost like it was hugging it. You nodded and took a seat, bringing your legs up to your chest wishing you had taken the silky sheets from the bed with you.

"Drink?" He questioned as he stood in the small kitchen area of the ship.

"Please." You croaked in your slightly deep morning voice. You cleared you through before talk again.

"What happened? How did I get here and who are you?" You questioned him as his back was still facing you.

"I'm Master Obi Wan Kenobi, My old Padawan Anakin Skywalker is also on the ship too, however he decided to take an even longer lie in then you." He chuckled, you smiled a faint smile as he turned to walk in your direction, holding two cups of liquids.

"You didn't answer my other two questions." You averted your eyes to his and grabbed a drink from his hands.

"Ah yes my apologies, you internally discovered your connection with the force, I had felt it while I was on planet for a mission. And to answer your question as to where you are? You are on my ship, don't worry we haven't taken off yet, I didn't want to rob you of your right to choose where you go." You smiled at his words, so thoughtful.

"Oh, so...what do we need to talk about, I can tell you all I know of the Jedi but it isn't much, I'm just an assistant at that store so I apologise if I am of no help to you." You took a sip of the cup that lay between your hands, the hot mixture warming you from the inside out.

"No no, I know plenty of the Jedi, I am one. I want you to know that you may have the opportunity to become one. Have you practiced with the force before?" He tilted his head after taking a sip from his cup.

"I wouldn't say practiced, I lifted a few objects nothing major, I also have a great sense of things around me if that means anything?" You silently took another sip out of your cup, keeping eye contact with Obi Wan.

"That's wonderful. How long have you know about your abilities?" He placed the cup down on the unlit holotable.

"Since i was about 10, that is when things started to happen... i didn't know what to do at the time but after reading that book, things have changed. What does this mean for me?" You questioned him

"This means you have an amazing opportunity ahead of you young one, it is not a guaranteed deal but I can take you to the Jedi council and offer to take you in as my Padawan, I have great trust in your abilities. I have connected with your force signature and I see great things ahead of you. You do not have to take this opportunity, but at least go and see the Jedi council and if you do not wish to go ahead with the training then I will bring you back here. How does that sound Y/N?" He blew a shakey breath and faintly smiled in your direction.

"I have nothing to tie me down here and I have nothing left to lose. I will take your offer Obi Wan." You smile gently, you felt his warm smile radiate and been onto you. You had never felt or knew anyone who believed in you as much as he did.

"Anakin! Get up, we are taking off!" You heard Anakin spring out of bed and rush to open the door. He greeted you with a kinda smile before setting the coordinates and started to take off.

"Would you like to take a shower and freshen up before we get to Coruscant? There is a fresh change of clothing, a tooth brush and a hair brush at the foot of my bed." He grabbed the empty cups and took them to the small kitchen.

"That was your bed? Where did you sleep...did you.." he cut in

"No don't worry, I took to keeping a watch out by the control panel." He smiled.

"Oh...okay." You gingerly smiled back at him, your cheeks burning up ugh why would I ask that!?

And with that you turned your heal and hurried to the refresher while Obi Wan smiled as you retreated.

How did you guys find the new obi series to far, I'm literally so in love with it

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