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The aftermath

A funeral was held for you not long after your death. A small one but it contained the only important people to you, even master Yoda showed up out of his isolation. Obi wan, Yoda, r2, Owen and Beru made sure that you were buried with honour.

Obi wan kept your lightsaber clipped to his belt, the Crystal still radiating your energy and life. Even though it felt like he had lost everything you were still there, in the force, you tried your best to communicate and comfort him and tell him it wasn't his fault but he wasn't ready yet.

Darth vader snapped that day. He was all but closer to becoming his former self. Seeing the destruction he had made to not only his life but the life of his former friends, wife and Padawan. I'm the future it is said that his son, Luke Skywalker would bring back his farther in a last attempt to save his sons life, when he could not save the life of others around him as Anakin Skywalker, and as Darth Vader.

Obi wan would cry and wail each night hoping for your return, he would pray to you, pray for you to come to him in the force. You would comfort him, hold him and kiss his head as he sat there crying his heart out wishing for you to be there. You were there he just didn't know it yet.

As time went on Obi wan got on with his life, never forgetting you nor your smile, laughs, frowns and all. Eventually, as you both knew, both children would grow up and become their own individual self. You would check in on both of them to ensure their safety and happiness. But Leia was struggling which eventually turned into her being abducted, obi wan was persuaded to rescue her and so he did.  This event changed him completely, it wasn't just saving leia, but everything that happened on the way, including the confrontation with Vader. Obi wan came back a different man, more open, his thoughts were a calm lake on a sunny day rather then hectic winds and rain with crashing waves.

He was ready for you, and you were more then ready for him.

"Obi wan?" You spoke out to him when he entered your home

"Y/n... where have you been?!" Tears filled his eyes

"You weren't ready dear. I've always been here." The feeling of tears pricked your cheeks too

"I've missed you so much."

"I've missed you too, I'm glad you confronted your feelings with Vader. You needed to know that it wasn't your fault." He nodded and sat down.

"I know, I'm sorry, for everything." You Sat beside him and placed a hand hovering over his.

"You still have my saber huh?" You laugh

"I couldn't let it go."

"Obi wan, attachment is forbidden?!" You explained in a sarcastic tone and he laughs, you're glad to hear his laugh again

"I think we are far paced that now y/n" he chuckled

"Probably." You sighed happily.

I've had so much fun writing this story, I hope it gets the attention it deserves at some point but I'm just glad that I have been able to have a platform to write it on. Anywho this is the last chapter, if you have any requests lmk 😊

Till The End Master(KenobiXReader)Where stories live. Discover now