Jedi Rules

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As you exit Obi Wans quarters in your fresh clothing you see that the ship has been landed on a platform located at the heart of Coruscant.

"Feel better, y/n?" Obi wan turned to the sound of the door opening.
"Yes, thank you, so..." you walk up to Obiwan as you both exit the ship together with Anakin trailing behind. " what is to become of me now?" You tilted your head to Obiwan as you both walk past hoards of people.
"You are to meet the Jedi Council, they will decide your fate." Obiwan answered. "Just follow me, we will be with them soon."

You both reach the Jedi temple. Obi wan enters in first, after a few moments you are called in after him.

"Y/n these are your Jedi Masters, please, listen to them." Obi wan asks politely. You nod in his direction

You take a short bow and stand tall infront of the Jedis.
"Obi wan, she is too old to start learning of the jedi, she could turn to the dark side!" A man suggests to obiwan.

"I understand Master Windu but she has seen so much in herself, she has been practicing since she was 10, I know this is very late for a jedi but I see great things still yet to become of her." Obi wan seems to be standing up for you, You appreciate his support.

"Hmm, correct Master Windu is but understand your point i do Master Kenobi." A small green man ponders.

"Do you see what I see Master Yoda?" Obi wan questions

"Mhm, Yoda sees indeed." Yoda turns to Master Windu. "Give her the same chance we gave to Anakin we must, unfair if we did not that would be."

"I agree with Master Yoda" a man with a slight robotic voice and a gas mask answers.

"Thank you Masters" you take a bow for the Jedis.

"Decided it is, training she will receive, but by who Yoda does not know." Yoda questions.

"I can train her Master, I believe Anakin to be ready for the Trials." Obi wan suggests to Yoda.

"Hmm, agree with you I do, trials he must face." Anakin bows to Yodas proposal. "Thank you master Yoda, I will do my best." And with that you, Obi wan and Anakin bow and leave the Jedis Council.

Back to present

You're sitting at the edge of your bed in your bare and simple room just before leaving for your first mission. You're nervous, but excited at the same time. You collect the items you will need for the journey and exit your room. You swiftly make your way to the landing platform, Obi wan is stood outside the ship talking to some troopers, possibly planning a route.

"Master Obi wan." You bow in his direction. The troopers stop talking for a moment.
"Ah, y/n, excited?" Obi wan smiles
"Yes but nervous too."
"You'll be okay, now, this is the squadron we will be taking with us, meet Hunter, Crosshair, Wrecker, Tech and Echo. They are the best of the best at the moment and this mission needs all the help it can get." You nod your head. Obi wan continues speaking
"Now, let's get on board and host a meeting."
The squadron that they call The Bad Batch, step on first, then you, then obiwan. You feel his eyes burning into the back of your head. The feeling of this etches a smile across your face, you can't tell if he is worried or happy that you're here.

On the ship there is three rooms, one bigger then the other two which you suspect will be for the troopers and the other two are of similar size. There is a holotable in the middle of the ship and the cockpit is just up ahead. You make your way over to the holotable, the others following behind.

"So, what is the plan." You question
"So far all we know is that the assassination on Senator Palpatine has led us to Jedha, Jedha City to be exact. We know the suspect to be of great power, and not working alone. This is why we need this much power, so, our plan is to seek out the clues we have available, it will be a drawn out mission as we don't want to attract too much suspicion. We will split off into groups and inspect the civilians, find out anything you can about this target, i have given you each a photo. Now, Go into groups."
Hunter went with Crosshair, Tech went with Wrecker, Echo joined them, finally me and Obi Wan went together. "At sundown, we will all meet back at the ship." Obiwan finsihed off his speech.

"Is everyone ready for take off?" Obi wan questioned
"Yes" we all said in unison.
"Good, Tech and Echo, you fly, wrecker don't touch anything, Crosshair and Hunter inspect the storage and find out what we have on board, i want a list by landing if possible." They all nod and Wrecker chuckles at Obi Wans remark, everyone lets out a small laugh before take off.

Obi wan retreats into his quarters. You're left feeling slightly empty, alone almost, like you miss his company. He never fails to make you smile. Suddenly you feel a spike of confidence, you steadily make your way over to Obi Wans quarters, your robe flowing elegantly behind you as you walk to his door. Everyone is too busy to notice your nervousness, the sweat dripping from your brow. Why am I nervous? What am I doing?. And with that you ignore your inner feelings and place your closed fist onto his door, knocking gently as to not disturb the others. A few seconds pass before Obi wan shouts for you to enter...

Thank you for reading, sorry for not posting in a while I've just not had the motivation for anything 😅

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