The Stars and The Moon

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this is set just after you're taken to the jedi council for the first time, enjoy! TW Smut

You're stood waiting in the training room, this is your first lesson as a Padawan learner, the room is bare but the bright white walls give it a clean and polished look. The light oak joints that connect the ceiling and flooring to the body of the room create a seal that can not be breached. You feel safe yet suffocated in it. You hear the door slide open and firm boots step in.

"Good morning Y/n, how was your first night here?" Obi wan asked cheerfully, he seemed rather happy considering it was quite early.

You tiredly reply "comfortable, better then any bed I slept in on Tatooine, thank you for this opportunity."

"No need to thank me, I should be thanking you, Anakin was getting rather arrogant for my liking." He chuckled

You smiled at his remark and slid your eyes to the floor. "Now, show me what you already know." Obi wan suggested.

You take a deep breath turning around and facing the objects lying in the middle of the room, the go from smallest to largest, left to right. You focus your energy into the foam ball on the ground to the left, you connect yourself with it and it begins to rise. You feel the energy escape through your finger tips, sending waves as it crashes into the body of the foam ball, it is obeying your commands. "Good, now onto the next."
Some time has passed and you have lifted each object, obi wan seems pleased but not satisfied just yet. "Now, something more challenging, try that bookcase over there, these other items will be too easy for you." Obi wan exclaims.

You turn your head to face him "how am I supposed to lift a bookcase, I've never had training before this?" You're worried you'll fail, and obi wan can sense that In you. He walks up to you with grace and places a hand on your shoulder. His touch sends electric bolts through your veins, you feel his touch coursing through your blood. "I know you can do this, believe in yourself and anything is possible y/n." Obi wan smiles at you. You blush at his remark. He steps back but still hovers close behind you, you can feel his breath on your neck as it sends sparks up and down your body.  turning around and facing the bookcase you shake off this feeling and try to remain focused.

Closing your eyes you start to connect with the bookcase, you can feel each book that is placed careful on the shelves, they are like a home for the many informative books that reside in its walls. With Obi Wans presence still close behind you, you begin to command the bookcase. Your eyes still closed Obi wan steps closer and whispers in your ear. "You should look at your creation." He tells you with a smile. You can tell he's smiling because his voice changes, you've  noticed this everytime you speak with him, it makes his comment that much nicer. You do as he says and open your eyes. The book case has lifted just as you commanded, however, the books have also lifted. Not with the bookcase, no, you have lifted the books out of their walls and held them in mid air, floating elegantly. Obi wan steps to your side. "Place the books and bookshelves down, be careful and gentle just like when you picked them up." You do as he says.

You inspect your fingers hoping to see any indication of what you had just done. Obiwan faces you with pride and joy. "Well done, I was expecting a lot of you but you have outdone yourself, take the rest of the day off, you deserve it."

"Thanks" you smile in his direction, he stands tall infront of you, he doesn't break eye contact nor does he move for you to leave. You never see him do anything daring but it seems today his intrusive thoughts got the better of him. Obiwan gently moves a piece of hair and tucks it behind your ear. You can feel your face turn red as his fingers cascade across your cheek. He doesn't say a word but steps back and apologises. You nod your head and hurry out of the room.

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