Sleepless Nights with Loki

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Insomnia. One of your worst enemies.

It would always be an on and off type thing; one week you could be peacefully sleeping through the night, while the next week you either get absolutely no sleep at all or only sleep for a couple hours of the night before waking up with the inability to go to sleep again.

Unfortunately, that's what happened tonight.

After many attempts of tossing and turning around, it became obvious that trying to return to your slumber was going to prove futile. Sighing, you roll over, facing the back of your boyfriend, whispering his name a few time. He didn't budge.

While it was true Loki never needed much sleep, he'd been a mission for three days straight, which can really drain a person's energy. It seemed to have that effect on him, because he was so sound asleep, people could've assumed he was dead.

Not wanting to bother him for that reason, you slide out of the bed, a soft, warm feeling under your feet supplied by the areas of rug surrounding the bed. You decide to take the elevator, too lazy to actually walk down the stairs to the lounge.

"JARVIS, set the lights to 50%," you ask, the AI following and lighting up the lounge to the halfway point. You creep over toward the mini kitchen, not wanting Tony to know you were downstairs again if he was in his lab. You pull the fridge door open as quietly as possible, might as well grab a midnight snack.

You'd found some leftover pizza from the day before and a gallon full of apple juice to top it off, setting it all on the counter before moving over to the cupboard to grab a mug. As you took hold of it though, your senses kicked in, alerting you that there was someone behind you. In retaliation, you whip around and throw the mug at the perpetrator, wincing when your eyes registered who it was.

"It's just me, darling," Loki's velvety voice rings through, you letting out a sigh of relief as he caught the mug in his hand.

"Sorry Loki," you apologize, walking over to take it from him. "You scared me a bit."

"It's quite alright," he chuckles, following you over to the counter. "What has my love awake at this hour?"

"Another insomnia spell," you sigh, filling the mug with apple juice, turning around to face Loki, taking in his obviously tired expression, letting out a grimace. "I woke you up, didn't I?"

"Technically, I turned over in bed to hold you, but realized you weren't there," he informs, wrapping his arms around your waist before a tiny yawn escapes his lips.

"Go back to sleep, Lokes," you tell him. "I know you're still sleepy."

"And leave you to struggle alone with your inability to sleep? Absolutely not."

"I'll be fine," you assure him, starting the microwave up for your pizza. "I'm probably just going to sit on the couch and watch Legacies for the fourth time."

If there's one thing you and Loki had in common, it's that both of you were equally stubborn, and you knew he wasn't going to go back to bed if you weren't, no matter what you told him. So, sighing, you point to the couch, telling him to go sit over there while you bring the food.

A few minutes later, the two of you are curled up on the couch, a blanket around both your shoulders, sharing pizza slices and apple juice.

"Thanks for keeping me company, Lokes," you smile, leaning onto his shoulder. "I probably would've been bored out of my mind if you weren't awake with me."

"Anything for my love," he replies, kissing the top of your head.

There was nothing but silence after that reply, but a relaxing, comforting silence. So relaxing that the next thing you knew, you were drifting off to sleep on Loki's arm.

Hours later, Tony had came down to make a cup of morning coffee, noticing the two of you on the couch, you on top of the raven-haired god, face in the crook of his neck. Loki, who was underneath, had an arm wrapped around your waist, the other under his head, a blanket over the both of you.

"Hey lovebirds," Tony whispers, shaking you both awake. "You two have bedrooms for a reason, why are you sleeping on my couch?" You grumble and sit up on top of Loki, rubbing your sleep-filled eyes.

"It's a long story." Stark just shrugs, pulling the blanket away, to which you and Loki let out a loud groan.

"Well get up," he says. "We've got a mission meeting in about an hour."

Once he walked away, you give a look to the god underneath you, snuggling back into his chest.

"Darling, the metal man just said-" 

"Screw him," you grumble, sleep already beginning to pull you in. "We can lay here for at least the next half hour."


Yes, it's quite ironic I wrote this at 3:29am 🙃

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