Arranged Marriage

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 "(Y/n), you will marry him!"

"But Mother," you argue. "I don't want to marry him! I don't even know him!"

"You, young lady, will accompany me to Asgard to meet the son of the All-Father, who you will wed," she demands. "Understood?" No matter how hard you tried to hold that equally firm gaze, it was obvious that in the end, she would always win.

"Fine," you murmur, walking past her into your room, shutting the door.

It was just so unbelievable. That woman had arranged you into a marriage without your consent, and once it was made known to you, you tried every last trick in the book to get out of it. Nothing worked. Your mother was just adamant about the whole situation.

And now with the trip to Asgard tomorrow, you were almost sure things were going to change.

And not for the better.


When you arrived on Asgard, it was nothing but a breathtaking sight, much better than your home realm. The entire place was so exquisite, from the Bi-Frost to the view of the castle. Alas, the moment was short lived however, because your mother was pulling you onto a horse towards said castle rather quickly.

Once inside the palace, you could tell that it was crafted with a hefty amount of gold. Was this why your mother wanted you to marry the All-Father's son? She thought it would make her wealthy through you?

"All-Father," you mother curtsies when the king and queen allow the both of you in the throne room. "I present to you my daughter, Princess (y/n) of Vanaheim."

You dip into a formal curtsy as well, head down before the royals before you. "It is an honor to meet you both," you smile politely.

"Welcome to Asgard, dear," Frigga smiles back. Odin nods in agreement, moving on to the matter at hand.

"She is the one that will marry my son?"

"As per our agreement, your majesty," your mother replies. Wow, and they even made an agreement without me, you think to yourself. Odin asks Frigga to show you to your room while him and your mother finished up arrangements, to which Frigga was delighted to do.

She led you through a number of hallways, finally stopping at a set of golden doors, leading into your new room. It was lovely, you admitted, but it would take a lot of getting used to.

"I do hope you enjoy your stay here, sweetheart," Frigga adds, pulling out a few things from the closet. "I've picked out a few dress options for the ball tonight, to formally welcome you both to Asgard. I'm not sure if your mother explained these things to you already."

"No," you laugh half-heartedly. "No, she definitely did not, but I'll manage. And thank you, Your Majesty."

"Just Frigga, darling," she tells you, and you nod in a silent agreement. "I will leave you to get yourself settled in, one of the maidens will come by and accommodate you. Just ask them to send for me if you need any help."

"I will," you agree. She leaves at that, allowing you to prepare yourself before the maiden drops by.


"You look absolutely gorgeous, Lady (Y/n)," Anya compliments you, adding the last clip into your hair.

"Thank you, Anya," you reply, smoothing out your ball gown. A while earlier, your mother came into your room, explaining that the ball would not only be a welcoming, but also to introduce you to the king's son, and announce your upcoming marriage. Such happy news.

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