A New Kitty Cat

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You were just coming back from your job at S.H.I.E.L.D, sweaty and hungry. The left sleeve had a rip in it since you'd almost got slashed with a knife if it weren't for your reflex and telekinesis.

Tiredly shutting the car door, you flip the keys to your house, about to walk up the stairs until your heard rustling sounds coming from the bushes on the side of the house, sending you into defense mode.

Whatever was back there you were prepared to kill it.

..Until you realized that the little noise maker was just a pretty little black kitten.

It lies on its back, clawing at the air, seemingly struggling to flip back over. The sight made you giggle, alarming the cat.

"Hey," you coo, slowly walking closer to it. "It's okay little guy, I'm not gonna hurt you." The kitten stares at you warily, unmoving as you inched closer and knelt down.

Carefully, you reach your hand out and pet its head. Their big green eyes shimmer in the dark, making your heart melt a bit.

"No owner?" you ask aloud, checking the cat's neck for a collar or a name tag, finding nothing of the sort.

They're just out here..and you've always wanted to adopt a cat..

Giving in, you scoop the kitten up, it tensing up in your arms until you coo and whisper, finally relaxing in your arms. You unlock the front door to your house in walk in, running your fingers through the cat's soft black coat.

"You know what?" you hum thoughtfully as you place it on the couch. "I think I'll name you Lokitty. It made be weird, but-" you laugh to yourself, pulling milk out of the refrigerator. "You seem to like it anyway."

The cat purrs, jumping off the sofa as you set a bowl full of milk before him. "I really hope you're a boy."

Lokitty laps away at the chilled milk, not stopping until the entire bowl was empty. You were a bit surprised at the speed in which he drank it, but it was amusing nonetheless. He follows you up the stairs to your bedroom, making himself comfortable on your bed.

"Hey, don't get too comfortable up there," you tell him as he snuggled into the sheets. "I already have a bed for you."

For the next few minutes, you multitasked between setting up the area for your new companion in the corner of you bedroom and changing clothes, which was a little difficult, cue you tripping over the pants leg of your uniform.

"Come on, little guy," you coo, beckoning him over with your finger. "It's already pretty late, and I need sleep after the stuff I've done today, so in the bed with you."

The cat however, refused to move from his spot, looking at you with the softest green eyes, as if a silent plea to let him stay where he was. It was just so irresistible.

"Fine, fine," you sigh, ultimately giving in. "But just for tonight, alright?" Lokitty lets out a small meow, crawling up to the top of the bed, settling himself in one of the pillows as you crawled in beside him, turning off the lights. "Goodnight buddy."


The next morning, you woke up to find a huge weight on your body. And I mean huge.

It couldn't be the cat, he's wasn't nearly that heavy, and your weighted blanket hadn't came out of the closet in a while, so it wasn't that neither.

You slowly open your eyes, expecting to see the furry feline you had taken in last night, but that was far from what occurred.

In the bed with you was, no, not the cat, but a man, a very heavy man, who was sprawled on top of you, arms wrapped tightly around you, his raven black hair gone across your neck, sound asleep in his leather clothes.

Naturally, you did the only thing sensible in that moment. Scream.

And so an ear-piercing cry left your lips, the man jumping up in alert before he looked down at you, who was breathing heavily, a knife suddenly pulled on him. It then finally clicked in your head who this man was.

"L-Loki?" The god puts his hands up slowly, as a sign he meant no harm.

"I can explain everything."

~The End ~

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