Little Ducklings

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"Yes, Lokes?"

"This herd of feathered creatures continue to follow me." You look up at him with an eyebrow raised before looking down onto the ground, where your eyes were met with the cutest sight.

A group of baby ducklings, all huddled around one of Loki's legs, chirping eagerly.

"Oh my gosh," you coo, leaning over on the park bench to pet them all gently on the head. "They're little duckies~"

"What is a duckie?"

"It's my nickname for baby ducks. Aren't they adorable?"

"I suppose so," Loki responds, a tiny smile creeping upon his face. "I still don't understand why they're following me."

"That sandwich you got in your hands," you snort, pointing to his food. "Ducks like bread. Your sandwich is made of bread. It's self explanatory, really."

"Right," he hums, getting an idea. "They shall become my new army."

You cock an eyebrow at him. "Huh?"

"I shall lead these creatures into a glorious battle against the children of this park."

"Loki, most of the kids here run away from the ducks, anyway."

"I said glorious, not lengthy," he corrects you, pulling of a chunk of the bread of his sandwich to place on the floor for the ducks to share.

"Well, have fun torturing children if you want to," you shrug, returning to the book you were reading.

You weren't expecting Loki to actually venture off to the playground area, where all of the children were.

"Shoot!" You jumped up, laying the book on the bench and chasing after him. "I didn't mean literally! Don't you dare start picking on those kids!"


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