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(Basically a short one shot of the things that  take place before "A Dream of Reality." Enjoy!)


It was a reoccurring thing. The image had been replayed so many times as you slipped into sleeps clutches that once you woke up, it was hard to return.

Tonight was one of those nights.

To see your love, even in a nightmare, being choked to death in front of you, with no illusion, no cover-up, no ultimate scheme...

It scared everything out of you.

Turning around, your eyes land on Loki, who's back is still turned to you, the rise and fall of his chest nothing short of mesmerizing. 

It makes the familiar pain return.

Standing up from the giant bed, you cover your body with a robe, tying it and carefully slipping into the bathroom, gently shutting the door.

Unfortunately, the slightest little rustle could awaken the God of Mischief, and now you'd managed to startle him into opening his eyes at the sound of the door creaking.

Inside the bathroom stood you, against the bathroom sink, chest heaving up and down in little breaths as you continued to feel the unpleasant foreboding that lurked within.

Everytime you've fallen asleep, you dreams turn into horrors. It goes on and on in a loop, a constant reminder that just maybe, something really was going to happen.

You will never be...a god..(y/n)?

"(Y/n)," you hear yourself be called again a bit louder this time, bringing yourself back down to earth and opening up the door a crack, peeking your head out to view the raven haired god.


"My darling, are you alright?" he asks with concern, taking in the still uneven breaths and sweat on your forehead.

"I'm-I'm just fine Loki," you respond, giving him a tight lipped smile. He nods, but obviously lying to the God of Lies isn't the smartest thing, but, he knows when to give you your space, so he does just that, backing away from the door for you to close it again. 

All your brain can manage to do is sit on the edge of the bath tub, head in hands, as you wait out the overwhelming nightmare.


When Loki and Thor agreed on the fact that Loki was better off on Saakar, you couldn't agree more, even happier that he suggested it. Okay, so it wasn't tor the same reasons as yours, but it all worked out in the end.

And when Loki tried to betray Thor, it backfired on him because his brother was already prepared. The god of mischief fell to the ground, electricity pulsing through his veins.

You gave Loki an apologetic look before running off to the ship with Thor, on the way to save Asgard.

In the battle, fighting off their evil sister was one of the hardest things you'd ever done, and in some close situations, there was almost a knife in your chest. Asgardians are running, trying their hardest to run away from Hela's army, despite the vast majority of it. You were fending off plenty at a time, slicing and shooting more and more as time went on.

And then you heard the most comforting voice again.

"Your saviour is here!"

Everyone stops and turns to the side, where a big ship is waiting, and so is Loki, stepping down from the walkway in all his glory, brand new Asgardian leathers and a special piece. His golden helmet.

You felt a surge of joy course through you, but then the fear and slight anger crept up once more.

He walks over to you, placing one of your hands in his significantly larger ones, flashing you a smile.

"Did you miss me, darling?" Rather than smiling back, you pull your palm back, looking up at him sharply with tears threatening to surface.

"You shouldn't even be here." the words come out harsher than intended, and it's hard for you to miss the hurt that developed on his face before he quickly shook it off, grabbing you by the arm suddenly and slicing one of the skeletal army in half, one of which that tried to attack you in your moment of vulnerability.

"We'll talk about that later," Loki says, relinquishing his hold on you to go help fight.

You hadn't meant for the words to come out like they did, but the emotions you had bottled up were clouding every sense of thinking you had.


To save Asgard, you had to do the complete opposite. Yes, with the help of Surtur, Asgard was now no longer an existing planet, but a majority of its people remained.

You kept silent the whole time, feeling guilty and upset with yourself.


Loki enters the room of the ship you're in, sitting down beside you. He lays his head on your shoulder, something he hadn't done in a while, and the sight made your eyes brim with tears again, grasping onto his hand for dear life.

"I'm sorry if what I did upset you," he mumbles quietly. "I thought it would make you happy."

"No, no. Loki, it did make me happy. I was so proud of you." He rests further into you at those words, drawing small circles on the back of your head. "I'm not upset...I'm afraid."

Loki pauses, almost immediately looking into you e/c eyes. "Why?"

"Because.." You trail off, letting out a quiet sniffle, internally debating whether or not to tell him the truth. "Space-it's...that's a big place. What are we gonna do next?"

"Whatever we are destined to do." Those words should be comforting, but they aren't.

Because what if he's destined to die?

Taking a deep breath, you allow yourself to smile in the most genuine way possible, deciding to ignore your fears for the time being.

"Thank you Lokes. I'm sorry for what I said, I didn't mean it to come out the way it did."

"You're fine, my love," he assures, keeping you close to him. "We'll be fine."

Letting those words sink in, you were gonna hold him to that.

~The End~


So I was asked to make a part two by @Philomenq

I struggled like heck to write this one, but I did my best 😅

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