Broken Promises

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You were more important than a throne. That’s what he promised you. Over and over again. 

And for some reason, every time, you believed him. 

His words seemed so sincere whenever he uttered them, but the minute you begin to trust him again is the minute he turns around and repeats his mistakes. 

You understood when it happened the first time, his reasons behind why he did what he did. You never expected him to let go of your hand as you tried you very best to hang onto him, to assure him that things would get better, and it left you haunted until you’d seen him again. 

Once again, Loki was back to regain some sort of power. 

You’d snuck away from the Avengers once Loki had escaped, hoping to find some way to reach the man you’d grown to know, but he was grounded in his mission. There was nothing you could say or do to stop him. 

When the battle of New York was completed and Loki was taken back to a cell on Asgard, you’d finally gotten him to talk, albeit just a little, but it was better than nothing. 

He told you how sorry he was for what he’d did to you, to your relationship with one another, and vowed that if he ever were to get out (preferably by means of good behavior), he would spend however long it took trying to make it up to you and prove his long-spoken words true, that you meant more to him than a throne did. 

And then, later, he was freed. 

Dark Elves had swarmed the palace and killed the All-Mother, all because Jane’s Midgardian love interest got involved with the Aether, which was nesting inside of her, making her weak, and Malekith, the leader of those elves, was the one after it. 

So, Thor needed Loki’s help to sneak away out of Asgard and into another realm, where Loki later died. 

Or at least, made everyone believe that he had. 

Turned out, he’d been on the throne of Asgard the entire time, impersonating as his father. 

You were more than pissed, because there he was, hiding away from the people that loved him, all for the very thing that he’d claimed didn’t matter to him anymore. 

It was no surprise then, when the two of you were stranded on Saakar together, you’d hardly spoke to him because you found it difficult to even look him in the eye. 

It wasn’t until he finally pestered you enough to get you to blurt out your feelings that you expressed to him the different emotions that had been coursing through you the moment you found out he was alive. 

You accused him of faking his death all for the glory of a throne, and he never denied your accusation or tried to excuse himself. It was only later that your thinking was set straight. 

But in that moment, to say he apologized profusely wasn’t saying enough. Then he made his promise again. You had a hard time believing it, especially after witnessing how he betrayed his own brother, to the point where you believed Thor’s words. 

Maybe Loki was beyond saving. 

But then he came back after all. The two of you fought side by side to stop their evil sister from a reign of terror, although it meant destroying Asgard in exchange. 

As the two of you floated through space, watching the stars glitter, he promised that from there on out, things would be different, and you were excited to see where life would lead you. 

Then tragedy struck. 

Loving Loki was not easy, you could admit. 

And now, as you lay over his dead body in the middle of an abandoned ship in space, you realize that maybe…some promises are just made to be broken. 

Then why are they promised in the first place? 

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