An Alchemist and her...Teacher's Son?

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As you had your morning stroll through the palace gardens, you took calming breaths as you witnessed everything around you.

The bright rays of the sun coming through the trees that shook their branches with each pass of wind. Birds chirping as they flew to and fro, the flutter of their wings adding to the ambience.

Looking around at the sights, everything seemed to blur as you tripped over something. As you turned around to see what it was, you realized it wasn't a something - rather, a someone.

"Oh dear, I am so sorry for tripping over your feet- Erm.." As you got up, you fully realized the situation. An elegant looking man with long black hair with black and green leather robes was trapped in the bushes. "Are you alright?"

A quiet sigh came from him as he looked up at you with an embarrassed look on his face, "Could I have a little help, perhaps?"

Eyes widening, you stammered, "R-Right, of course. I should have helped you out before asking.." Reaching a hand out, feeling his cold soft hands against yours felt.. nice.

By the norns, Y/N, what are you thinking?! You haven't even spoken more than 4 sentences to this man!

"Thank you, but I must ask that you don't speak a word of this to anyone." The man said, a serious look on his face.

Cheekily, you replied, "Well, I won't tell anyone as long as I get to know why you were trapped in those bushes."

He blinked unfazed as he replied with next to no emotion in his voice, "Thor."

His singular answer caused millions of questions to erupt in your head, but you only let one, well, maybe a few out.

"Wait wait wait, Thor? Prince of Asgard? Is he after you or something? Are you dangerous?"

He furrowed his brows and took a step back, smirking, "Come on," he raised his arms up, kind of presenting himself, "I know you know who I am."

You looked him up and down with a hum. "An idiot who wears fancy clothes in a muddy garden?"

While his leather robes were impressive, the mud covering it in certain places certainly dulled the effect.

As he let his arms return to his sides, he looked at you intensely, "I am Loki. Prince of Asgard, God of Mischief and Lies."

You crossed your arms over your chest and raised a brow at him, "You see, that's where you messed up. How should I know if you're telling the truth about being a prince if you're also the God of Lies?" Suddenly there were steps coming from around the corner and Queen Frigga came into view. Gasping quietly, you quickly curtsied with a quick, "Your Majesty."

She smiled at you, "I've said this many times, Y/N, there's no need for that." Frigga then looked over to Loki, "Loki, your brother has been looking for you. Something about his helmets flying away?"

"Well if he wants wings on his helmets, he should really assume that would happen." Loki replied. He looked over to you, then to his mother, "You both know each other?"

"Of course, she is my best student."

He raised a brow at that, "I thought I'm your best student."

"Womp womp."

They both looked over to you with a confused look on their faces and you quickly covered your mouth, "I apologize, I do things before thinking."

Frigga walked over to you and gently placed a hand on your shoulder, "And that's why you're my best student. You don't overthink what could happen."

Watching this interaction, Loki suddenly looked offended, "Are you saying I overthink too much?"

"How long did you think about sending Thor's helmets flying, then?" You asked with a smirk.

"Well I-"


Spinning around, you both saw Thor marching over to Loki as winged silver helmets were flying by. The whirring sound of Mjolnir was loud in the tense silence as Thor swung it around in his hand, ready to throw it.

Quickly thinking, you grabbed leaves off of three nearby plants and combined them with a vial of liquid you had in your pocket. Looking at Loki, "I expect to be paid back after this." Throwing the vial on the ground, you and him vanished in a puff of yellow smoke as Mjolnir was mere inches away from hitting Loki.


Another puff of yellow smoke had them appear in another garden, but now farther away from the palace. Coughing, you waved the smoke away from your face, "Gods, I won't get used to that smell." Walking away from it, you looked over to Loki who had a weird look on his face, "Are you alright?" You asked for the second time in not even an hour. He suddenly ran over to some bushes and as you were about to follow him, you heard him hurl. Grimacing, you slowly walked over and patted his back, looking away from the scene, "First time?"

After finishing, he cleared his throat and smirked, "Oh wow, how'd you know." He said sarcastically.

You purse your lips, "No need for sarcasm, sir."

Standing up, he looked to you with a brow raised, "How did you do that?" He looked around at the blossoming flowers and vegetables, "And where are we?"

Crouching down to inspect one of the dying fire lilies, "We're in my personal garden. Queen Frigga gave this land to me after I found out certain plants aren't allowed to be planted in the palace garden," Using your magic, the fire lily bloomed once more with a pink glow surrounding it. "And to answer your first question, I used delphinium, goldflame spirea, and hawthorn combined with some plasma and created a potion that transports people to an area in the user's mind."

Watching you heal the flower, his eyes widened, "You're a very good alchemist to be able to do that. Even being able to heal like that takes great power."

You felt your face heat up at the compliment, not used to hearing such words, "Thank you.. I've been working very hard to acquire these skills." Eyes lighting up, you looked to him, "If you'd like, I could teach you some useful potion recipes." With a mischievous smirk you added, "It'll let you bother Thor some more."

Smirking back to you, Loki nodded, "I would love that."

~Later that day~


You and Loki ran from Thor's chambers as multiple potions erupted, covering everything with glitter.

"Shouldn't we worry about the maids having to clean that?" Loki asked, running beside you.

"No, it'll be gone in a few hours." You responded out of breath. Hearing Mjolnir whirring, you took a sharp turn around the corner, "Quick! Come on!"

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